Tuesday, March 8, 2011

European Pruno Mature

Coupon dry: instructions

Operating since 2011

provided for in Schedule of Municipal Decree on Federalism which was recently placed on the confidence of the Chamber of Deputies, the coupon dry rents, lead to a significant tax benefit to taxpayers. As an alternative to ordinary income tax will in fact pay a substitute tax equal to 21% of the rent, or 19% for contracts with negotiated rents in the densely-populated city.

Se si aggiunge poi che la cedolare ingloberà anche l'imposta di registro e l'imposta di bollo sui contratti di locazione, il vantaggio per i contribuenti è quasi sempre evidente.
La convenienza va però calcolata sul proprio reddito: mentre c'è sempre per chi affitta a canone libero, per i locatori a canone concordato scatta solo per i redditi lordi annui medio-alti, dai 28mila euro in sù.

Potranno scegliere il regime sostitutivo solo le persone fisiche che non agiscono nell'esercizio dell'impresa o della professione.
Rientrano nell'ambito della cedolare le sole locazioni of homes and appliances (eg box) if rented in conjunction with the main product. It does not include any such subletting as these give rise to income, other income and not land.

The application of the coupon payment is optional and the choice is up to the landlord. A necessary condition for the validity of the option is that the landlord waived for the duration of the same to apply rent increases, including increases in Istat (which is to the benefit of the tenant). The waiver must first be communicated to the tenant by registered letter. This provision is mandatory, which means that against any agreement between the parties is of no effect.

Within 90 days of the next issue of the Decree by the Council of Ministers, will be the Inland Revenue to establish the procedures for exercising the option, the payment of advances and balance. The decree has, however, stated that:
a) the advance payments will be equal to 85% tax for 2011 and 95% for 2012;
b) the tax must be paid within the time limit for payment IRPEF;
c) any stamp duty and registration fees, paid for reg­is­trazioni già avvenute, non saranno rim­bor­sate;
d) il red­dito assogget­tato a cedolare secca ril­eva ogni volta la nor­ma­tiva fac­cia rifer­i­mento a req­ui­siti red­di­tu­ali per il riconosci­mento di agevolazioni, fis­cali e non, nonché ai fini Isee.

Nel caso si optasse per la cedolare secca, il reddito sottoposto a imposta sostitutiva non può comunque essere inferiore a quello catastale, determinato applicando le tariffe d'estimo.

L'aliquota della cedolare è pari al 21% del canone di affitto libero misura che si abbassa al 19% per contracts negotiated rents for properties located in municipalities with a shortage of housing (as identified by DL 551/1998, Article 1, letter b) and those amenable to high-voltage abitativa.Sono coupon dry even including royalties in respect leases for periods not exceeding 30 days a year, for which there is no registration requirement.

This tax replaces the income tax and additional income surtax on incomes land and the registration fee (2%) and stamp duty on leases. The coupon dry replaces, in addition, the registration taxes and stamp duty on resolutions and on the extensions of the lease.

The option must be exercised with respect to each contract, because the waiver application must update the fee (including Istat), which is an autonomous act for each location.
The choice therefore involves benefits for the tenant who, in turn, will have the security of a fixed fee and not modificabile.Un relationship between the parties that this reinforces the norm to subordinate the effectiveness of options to tax its replacement to the prior declaration of surrender to the updates, the landlord must notify the tenant by registered mail.
With Article 3 of the decree on municipal federalism has also worked on the side of the contrast in rents in black. In case of non-registration of leases relating to residential properties within the period specified by law:
1) the lease term is established in four years from the date of registration;
2) shall be subject to renewal provided rent-free for contracts;
3) from the recording, the annual rent is fixed in the lower of the amount to be determined between the Parties and three times the cadastral income, as well as the adaptation, the second year, according to 75% of the ISTAT consumer price index for families of employees and workers.
Same consequences for registered contracts:
- lease containing an amount less than the owner;
- the fictitious loan.
Locations "sub" and fictitious loan, which if not recorded, is void.
It also reiterated that the contracts are not registered are invalid under the law 311/2004, so for regolazzare the situation, applicants must provide a record contract in place within 60 days after the entry into force of the decree on municipal federalism.
an extra boost to the registration of leases is also given by the proviso that the fulfillment replaces the obligation to disclose the identity of the holder of public security authority.
The most notable tightening of sanctions has had a level of income tax.

If, in fact, the fee arising from the leasing of property for residential purposes is not indicated in the tax return, the punishment ranges from 240% to 480% is also IRPEF evasa.Punita l'indicazione in misura inferiore a quella effettiva: la sanzione, in questo caso, può andare dal 200% al 400 per cento.In pratica, sono state raddoppiate le sanzioni amministrative fissate nei casi di dichiarazione omessa o infedele (articolo 1, commi 1 e 2, del decreto legislativo 471/1997).

Inoltre, nell'ipotesi di definizione dell'accertamento sia in via concordata con l'ufficio sia con acquiescenza del contribuente, non spetta alcuna riduzione di sanzioni. L'unico beneficio consisterà nell'applicazione delle "pene" ordinarie (e non raddoppiate, come sopra illustrato) previste all'articolo 1, commi 1 e 2, del decreto legislativo 471/1997, oppure all'articolo 13 dello stesso decreto legislativo nei casi di ritardato od omesso versamento.

Fonti : FiscoOggi

Friday, February 25, 2011

Kates Playground Strawberrys

The changing housing plan for restructuring

Novità per la Legge Nazionale

La nuove norme region­ali sono da emanare entro il 31 dicem­bre, sono ammessi anche gli edifici condonati.
I con­tenuti della bozza di decreto legge pre­sen­tata al Con­siglio dei Min­istri dal Min­istro Calderoli si pos­sono così sin­te­tiz­zare: riqual­i­fi­cazione urbana, cambi di des­ti­nazione d’uso, delo­cal­iz­zazioni e sos­ti­tuzione edilizia con premi volume.

is thus returned to the theme "Housing Plan", providing some simplifications in the areas of housing and urban planning.

The draft proposes the idea of \u200b\u200ba central housing plan, regulated by the national legislation with the aim to act as a framework law on regional laws to be adopted by December 31, 2011.
The regional standards adopted are not based on a simple agreement, but a state law and should encourage the regeneration of degraded areas by providing additional volumes, the relocation of buildings in different areas and inadequate modifications of the gauge to harmonize architecture.

The interventions should be excluded properties abusive and those located within the historic centers or in areas absolutely Guaranteed clear.
are allowed but condoned or buildings for which applications have been submitted to rectify the situation within the time limits dal DL269 /2003. In ogni caso, la bozza di legge quadro impone il rispetto degli stan­dard urbanistici.

Ammesso anche il cam­bio di des­ti­nazione d’uso degli immo­bili, purché gli uti­lizzi siano tra loro com­pat­i­bili o com­ple­men­tari. E inoltre, in attesa dell’approvazione delle leggi region­ali, ai sensi del Dpr 380/2001, potrebbe essere rilas­ci­ato il per­me­sso di costru­ire in deroga anche per i cambi di des­ti­nazione d’uso.
I Comuni, inoltre, pos­sono prevedere che il rilas­cio del per­me­sso building for residential noise independently of this report.
And finally, according to the decree Calderoli, approval of implementation plans passed by the powers of the City Council, which already approved the general development plan, to those of the Executive.

Source: Penthouse

Nuclear Structure Wigner Djvu

Mortgages: How

Many requests to banks

In times of crisis, like the current one, who can not afford to purchase a new property, often opt to restructure what he has.
When it comes to loan you immediately think of buying the house, but not always the case. Mutui.it online portal that lets you choose the loan to those offered by the Educational Institutions under various credit, has announced details of an analysis that took into consideration the required funding by the Italians not to buy, but to restructure their homes.
The site has reviewed more than 60,000 loan applications in the restructuring, and discover things rather curious.
First of all, the person who signs a loan for the restructuring generally cautious: in 44% of the cases he prefers fixed rate, while only 35% of the sample choose variable rate.
Who needs this type of financing is also young enough (he has an average of 42 years), an undertaking to the creditor institution for more than 20 years (22.5 on average) and asks for a loan of 142,000 €, equal to slightly less than half the value of the property that it intends to restructure (49.6%).
But how do I apply for a loan for the renovation?
First we must say the loan for the renovation, you can use the funds obtained to restructure both the interior and the exterior of a house.

Then to start the work must be delivered to the City, in which the property is located, the Declaration of Top Jobs (DIA), signed by an authorized and gather cost estimates on all interventions restructuring that intend to pursue.
The loan for the renovation of up to 80% of property value and the great advantage of this type of mortgage is that the value of the property taken as a reference is not present, but that that the house will reach a conclusion of the renovation work.

To request a loan for restructuring the bank, you must attach the usual documents required for loans for home purchase, including:
- for routine maintenance: estimate of the firm or the licensed professional who will carry out the renovation works;
- for unplanned maintenance: estimate, project construction and DIA (Declaration login);
- for renovation with large construction works: quote spending, building permit and, if due, the contribution of construction.

Source: Mutui.it

Siarczan Miedzi Sadza

Who can now afford to buy a house

Who has real purchasing power in real estate

Very often the statistics on the preparation of Italian families to buy a house based on they want but not on those who are their real possibilities.

A joint study by the Bank of Italy, ABI and ISTAT, it helps to understand who really can buy homes, according to their available resources.
The study was considered the so-called index affordability: that corresponds to the real capacity to pay the cost of the loan, calculated on the basis of standard parameters.

The parameters chosen are those that are normally applied by the Educational Institutions under the Credit loan applications: the affordability index was calculated on depreciation of a loan period of 20 years, 80% of the value of the property, no mortgage payment not exceeding 30% of disposable income, the recommended threshold for not having financial problems because of the house.

The data sources used are:
- the cost of housing the Territorial Agency
- per il reddito disponibile l'ISTAT
- per i tassi d'interesse la Banca d'Italia.

Questi sono i risultati:

Come si può vedere dal grafico, la quota delle famiglie che possono comprare casa non supera il 50%, cifra che scende veritginosamente a poco più del 20% nel caso dei nuclei giovani che sono quelli che ne hanno anche più bisogno.

Fonte: Banca d'Italia, ABI, ISTAT

Maytag Performa Pavt234aww Spec

Italy Real Estate Market: - 4.5 for 2010

Il 2010 si chiude in negativo per il mercato immobiliare.

L'andamento medio dei prezzi registrato da FIAIP (Italian Federation of Professional Agents Immoboliari) dropped 4.5% for dwellings

while the forecast for the first half of 2011, show, in FIAP, an improvement for the buying and selling of residential , especially for the central areas of the city, and an increase in rents to + 10%.
In remote areas, however, the market may remain steady, as well as the time of sale. According to the Association for determining the recovery of the market are the price expectations of sellers, yet at the levels of 2006-2007.
is evident from the report una diminuzione generale dei prezzi in tutte le città, eccezion fatta per Venezia (+ 2,2%) e Siena (+ 0,2%). Prezzi più bassi a Palermo  con una punta massima del -11%, Napoli segna un - 1,5%, Bergamo - 7%, Bologna - 3%, - 3,64% Genova, - 4% Roma, - 5% Firenze, - 6,2% di Ssalerno e - 6,2% di Milano.

Fonte : FIAIP

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Clipart Of Carati Man

Renovations Real Estate: tax

Per interventi che durano più anni il limite è di 48.000 Euro

Le agevolazioni fiscali sui lavori di ristrutturazione (Detrazione del 36%) sono tra le più utilizzate dai contribuenti. In vigore dal 1997 sono state prorogate quasi senza interruzioni fino ad oggi ma con aggiunte e modifiche che ne hanno complicato l'applicazione.
Un limite su più livelli
Particolarmente importante è limite di spesa ammissibile pari a 48mila euro per un intervento sulla stessa abitazione, pertinenze incluse. Il limite è annuale, è per immobile ed è per tipo di intervento (anche pluriennale).

Poché il limite è annuale, se nello stesso anno viene terminato un intervento edilizio e se ne inizia uno nuovo sullo same property, the expenses incurred during the first intervention affect the upper limit of the subsidized rate for the second.

With a ceiling of 48,000 euros of expenditure, the maximum income tax deduction is equal to 17,280 euros (ie 36% of € 48 thousand). However, if an owner has several homes, the costs are reduced by € 48 thousand for each unit (Law 266/2005).
The limit is related to housing, so if this is cointestato and expenses are incurred by all the joint holders, the limit must be divided.
Since the "limit" for intervention, however, if the building renovation is a "mere continuation di lavori iniziati successivamente al 1° gennaio 1998», per determinare il tetto massimo della spesa agevolata, pari a «48mila euro per unità immobiliare», si tiene conto anche delle spese sostenute negli anni passati dopo il 1° gennaio 1998 (legge 289/2002). Nell'anno della prosecuzione, la detrazione d'imposta va quindi determinata sull'importo che risulta dalla differenza tra 48mila euro e gli importi già spesi negli anni precedenti per lo stesso intervento (circolare 9/E/2002).
Esiste anche un altro vincolo: se per la stessa abitazione e nello stesso anno, si proseguono interventi di manutenzione iniziati in anni precedenti e contemporaneamente si iniziano nuovi interventi, l'importo facilitated maximum annual expenditure of 36% may not exceed the total size of € 48 thousand (circular 15/E/2003).

Here's an example in 2010 was initiated a maintenance of a house which cost € 40 thousand in 2010. In 2011, the works are completed, but other spending € 18 thousand. The upper limit for this posting, of 48 thousand euro, has been passed, because I spent 58 thousand euro. I spent 18 thousand euro in 2011 will be considered for deduction of 36% to only 8 thousand euro, as for the same purpose in the same household must be adhered to the limit of 48 thousand euro. The 10 thousand euro residui non potranno essere detratti al 36%, neanche negli anni successivi.
Se nel 2011 si vuole iniziare e terminare un nuovo intervento di ristrutturazione sulla stessa unità immobiliare, va tenuto presente che si possono agevolare al 36% solo spese per 40mila euro, dato che il limite dei 48.000 euro per abitazione è annuale e 8mila euro sono stati già agevolati nel 2011 con i lavori cominciati nel 2010 e terminati nel 2011.
Nuovi interventi
Nel caso in cui risulti necessaria una nuova abilitazione amministrativa, per interventi diversi dai precedenti, siamo in presenza di un nuovo intervento, per il quale quindi spetta un potenziale nuovo limite di spesa di 48mila euro. Ma abbiamo un nuovo intervento even in cases where there is no need to request a new administrative approval, like the replacement of the gas pipe or repair of a broken plug (circular 13/E/2001). In both cases, however, must be sent a new communication to the Operations Centre in Pescara (a necessary step to get the deduction).
How to get the deduction
To take advantage of the tax benefit part of the expenditure "facilitated" must be deducted in equal installments over ten years. If a taxpayer has spent the last year for € 48 thousand subsidized jobs are entitled to a deduction equal to 17,280: and then in the declaration to be submitted this year may deduct the first installment, amounting to € 1,728. And the other hand amount during the next nine years.

Sale of
It must be remembered, finally, that the facilitation relates to the property so if in the course of ten years, this is transferred, the advantage passes to the new owner's amounts not yet deducted.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Where Can I Buy Polymer

4% VAT on home improvements before the first delivery

VAT and home improvements first

Who buys the first house by the manufacturer pays the 4 percent of VAT. But how much it pays on extra work contract, invoiced separately compared to the property?
With the resolution of 22.02.2010 the Inland Revenue deals with the VAT rates applicable to so-called improvements or works extracapitolato, required by future property owners.
The resolution is a response to a summons, in which he was asked what was the correct rate applicable to the construction of a third party commissioned by a cooperative housing to shared ownership, while the improvement work had been commissioned by a member who satisfies the requirements "first home".
Administration keeping the same line as expressed in the past (Circular No. 219 / E of 30 November 2000), supported the possibility of being able to apply the reduced rate of 4 percent. Although made in respect of a person other than the prime contractor, however, the improvements are part of the process of constructing the building and they concern the inclusion of particular materials or design features intended to enable greater functionality of the accommodation.

In the resolution, the Agency focuses on two very important aspects that bene non trascurare quando si parla di operare fuori capitolato.

Il primo riguarda l'ambito di applicazione delle opere, che per beneficiare dell'aliquota del 4% devono essere realizzate esclusivamente durante la fase di costruzione di un immobile ancora non completamente terminato. Vale a dire che le stesse opere, se realizzate nel corso di una ristrutturazione edilizia, sconteranno l'aliquota ridotta del 10 per cento e mai del 4 per cento, a nulla influendo la circostanza che il committente sia un soggetto in possesso dei requisiti "prima casa".

Il secondo aspetto si riferisce alla natura the interventions required, which, even after their execution, they need to keep non-luxury housing characteristics, as determined by the parameters dictated by the decree of the Ministry of Public Works of August 2, 1969.
Otherwise, the work of improvement, will be the standard rate will nevertheless be extended to the sale of which, thus, would rise from 40 to 20 percent. This also applies to any advances already paid, for which it would require a new single VAT invoice to supplement what has already been paid.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Essential Oils For Frozen Shoulder

There is a minimum value of a house?

If there is a minimum value of a home as you determine?

Pricing a home is an old question difficult to answer. The only official
real estate prices in Italy are those of the Centre Estate Agency of the Territory (IMO). But do not always text.
A recent Judgement of the Tax Commission of Piedmont did a bit of clarity. Everything was born from an investigation done to veirificare a possible tax evasion. A property sold at a suspiciously low price, had in fact attracted the attention of tax authorities. But what is the price of a house, in order to judge whether someone has cheated in the sales contract for tax evasion?

an example. The buyer can check with the seller b buying a house in the middle of the market price, according to prices IMO. The seller B could be in a hurry, need cash or have only received one proposal or because he wanted to get rid of the property transfer, job loss etc.. or perhaps he had inherited the house and every sale at any price, for he was all net income.
In a review of the tax is put in doubt the result of the sale: too low, there is suspicion of tax evasion. But too low for whom? quotes for OMI. But based on what? on precedenti transazioni. In pratica è come dire: se il mio vicino un anno fa ha comprato a 100, io non posso comprare a 50, altrimenti sono sicuramente un evasore e dichiaro meno del dovuto.
Questione assai difficile da determinare. Tanto che una sentenza (n. 4/27/11 della ctr piemonte) ha appena chiarito che i valori OMI dell'Agenzia del Territorio non sono sufficienti a determinare il valore presunto di un immobile e quindi non sono validi ai fini degli accertamenti fiscali. La sentenza li ha infatti declassati a indizi di evasione. Solo gli accertamenti bancari, incrociati con quelli dell'Agenzia delle Entrate potranno stabilire la verità.
Implicitamente quindi, la sentenza stabilisce che non esiste il valore minimo di una casa.

Source: Idealist

Littlest Pet Shop 176x208

hedge fund mortgages for young couples

Help for loans to young couples

E 'active from 18.02.2011 the hedge funds for loans to young couples prepared by the Ministry for youth.
The funds for this initiative amounted to € 24 million and will involve the provision of credits up to a maximum of 200 000 €. The fund is reserved exclusively for young married couples or single parent families with dependent children.

Individuals or couples wishing to apply should not have passed the thirty-fifth years of age, should not lead to ISEE income above € 35 000, if they are made permanent (the lack of a permanent contract provides for priority access) should not receive more than the contract of employment half of the income taxable income, will not have to have other properties except those received as a gift or inheritance, provided they are for free use of siblings or parents.

With regard to the property that is intended to buy using this fund, must necessarily be used as a main residence, and land can not belong to the categories identified as noble, valuable and / or luxury. To download the order form download .

Source: Government

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bullspride Bullmastiffs

inflation on the rise: in January 2011 equal to 2.1%

Change the basket of goods

ISTAT provisional estimates announced in January 2011 that inflation rose to 2.1% on an annual basis, from 1, 9% in December 2010. This is the highest figure since December 2008.

in January thus lies above the reference threshold set by the ECB (2%) the rate of inflation Italian. Sul piano congiunturale, precisa l'Istat, gli incrementi maggiori hanno riguardato i prezzi dei Prodotti alimentari e bevande analcoliche (+0,8%), dei Servizi sanitari e spese per la salute (+0,7%), dell'Abitazione, acqua, elettricità e combustibili (+0,6%) e dei Trasporti (+0,5%). Risultano invece in calo i prezzi di Ricreazione, spettacoli e cultura (-0,4%). Su base annua i maggiori tassi di crescita hanno interessato Trasporti (+4,3%), Abitazione, acqua, elettricità e combustibili (+3,9%). Inoltre, rende noto l'Istituto, sempre in base a stime provvisorie, l'inflazione acquisita per il 2011 è pari all'1,2%, mentre l'inflazione di fondo, calcolata al netto dei beni energetici e degli alimentari freschi, è all'1,4%, lo stesso valore registrato a dicembre 2010.

BENZINA +11,3%, GASOLIO +15,7%  - Sul balzo dell'inflazione pesano i beni energetici non regolamentati, a gennaio 2011 il prezzo della benzina è aumentato dell'11,3% (+9,9% a dicembre) su base annua e del 3,5% su base mensile. Lo comunica l'Istat diffondendo le stime provvisorie sull'inflazione. Il prezzo del gasolio per mezzi di trasporto è salito del 15,7% (+14,5% a dicembre) in termini tendenziali e del 4% sul piano congiunturale. Riguardo al gpl, l'indice ha registrato un aumento del 26,5% (+21,3% a dicembre) su annual basis and 8% on a monthly basis. As for heating oil in January marked a 14.9% level and trend of 3.3% over the economic cycle.

Soaring FRESH VEGETABLES, +12% - The marked acceleration in inflation in January 2011 also affected by the boost that comes from non-food products, particularly fresh vegetables, which surged on a monthly basis of 12 and 11%, 7% on an annual basis.

EFFECT SALE - In Italy in January 2011 the harmonized index of consumer prices for the countries of the European Union (HICP), which takes account of temporary price reductions as saldi e promozioni, diminuisce dell'1,2% rispetto al mese precedente. Quindi, a gennaio, su base mensile, l'effetto dei saldi invernali si è fatto sentire.

COME CAMBIA IL PANIERE - Cambia, come ogni anno, il paniere dell'Istat per il calcolo dell'inflazione. Nel 2011 entrano, fa sapere l'Istituto, il tablet pc (il più conosciuto è probabilmente l'I-pad), il fast food etnico, il salmone affumicato, l'ingresso ai parchi nazionali, ai giardini zoologici e botanici, servizi di trasporto extraurbano multimodale integrato (ovvero i biglietti che consentono l'utilizzo di più mezzi di trasporto). Esce, invece, la posizione noleggio dvd. Oltre alle new entry I-pad and kebab, the Istat recalled that in January 2011 for the index of consumer prices has adopted "a new and more comprehensive classification scheme of consumer spending." In particular, the index of consumer prices for the entire community (Nic) is spread with a level of detail that comes to 319 'consumer segments', against the previous 204 'items' product. Overall, the 2011 basket is composed of 1,377 products. Following the reclassification, it was also necessary, he always know the Istat, expand the product range, "is the case, for example, the position - he explains - Ladies for sports car Review and position."

In 2011, the 85 provincial capitals that contribute to the calculation of the indices (there were 83 in 2010).

Istat remember that from its preliminary estimates from the January index of consumer prices for the entire community (Nic) and for the families of workers and employees (CPI) are widely used with base Reference 2010 (2010 = 100), which has been updated as compared to the previous set at 1995.

Source: ANSA

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ls Mag 1 Sweet Things

300 sqm detached house € 300,000

In a quiet, detached house on 3 floors of 100 square meters each, in addition to the property area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 100mq.Libera now also suitable for 2 or 3 families

Sunfish Traveller Diagram

Nerviano two local independent

In short, with private entrance 2 large fenced area with local services over the property of approx. 50mq.libero immediately

Monday, January 31, 2011

Kates Playground Spezial

UK: property sales and prices fall even

Continued price falls and the number of transactions

The survey conducted periodically by the company Hometrack Ltd., the UK shows that the prices of real estate for residential purposes would continue their downward path during the month of January still in progress, due to a growing demand weak.
The demand for new housing and new equipment has undergone a decline during the first month of the year, coming to weaken limits on record for the last three years, in the wake of rather dark predictions about the future of the local economy and internationally.
Consequently, the average cost of a house in the examined share reached 153,600 pounds, a decline of 0.5 percentage points compared to the average values \u200b\u200bthat the company is overseeing the monitoring was able to find real estate in December.
bodied falling demand, which were claimed by the parties concerned with the analysis of Hometrack, would have decreased by 9.5 percentage points during the month assessment .
analysts said the downward trend expected to continue over the coming months, a period in which it is estimated a new decline in market values \u200b\u200bof homes, forced down by a question that is struggling to recover, and that will not become strong still no one knows for how long.

Source: Hometrack

Moose Punch Cups Cheap

Update Euribor at 28/01/2011

What is the value of the Euribor rate today?

360-day year year 365 days
1 month ; 3 months 6 months 1 month 3 months 6 months Date

          0,88       1,06       1,31             0,89        1,08      1,33          28.01.2011
          0,86       1,05       1,29             0,87        1,07      1,31          26.01.2011
          0,82       1,03       1,28             0,83        1,05      1,30          25.01.2011
          0,81       1,03       1,28             0,82        1,04      1,30          24.01.2011

          0,80       1,03       1,27             0,81        1,04      1,29          21.01.2011
          0,78       1,02       1,26             0,79        1,03      1,28          20.01.2011
          0,78       1,01       1,26             0,79        1,03      1,27          19.01.2011
          0,78       1,01       1,25             0,79        1,03      1,27          18.01.2011
          0,77       1,01       1,25             0,78        1,02      1,27          17.01.2011

          0,77       1,01       1,24             0,78        1,02      1,26          14.01.2011
          0,76       1,00       1,23             0,77        1,01      1,25          13.01.2011
          0,75       1,00       1,23             0,76        1,01      1,24          12.01.2011
          0,75       1,00       1,22             0,76        1,01      1,24          11.01.2011
          0,75       1,00       1,22             0,76        1,01      1,24          10.01.2011

          0,76       1,00       1,22             0,77        1,01      1,24          07.01.2011
          0,76       1,00       1,22             0,77        1,01      1,24          06.01.2011
          0,76       1,00       1,22             0,77        1,01      1,24          05.01.2011
          0,77       1,00       1,22             0,78        1,01      1,24          04.01.2011
          0,77       1,00       1,22             0,78        1,01      1,24          03.01.2011

Toshiba Network Camera - User Login

Reform of building: how it affects the location

The tenant becomes an active subject of the condominium

The reform of the condominium also solves some problems of the relationship between landlord and tenant, condominium. So far, the building could have no direct relationship with the tenant. And this was the origin not only of a series of problems for the disturbances and quarrels that bounced on the owner, but also the lack of enthusiasm with which the owner was still required to pay personally the costs, then look for (not always successfully) to recover the tenant.

Reform Now (Wednesday approved dal Senato e in viaggio per la Camera) interviene in più punti sul rapporto proprietario-inquilino, prevedendo un maggior coinvolgimento del secondo.

Art. 3: il proprietario può rinunciare all'impianto centralizzato per migliorare l'autonomia dell'appartamento da locare. Questo mira a responsabilizzare l'inquilino e a eliminare ogni contenzioso sulle spese di riscaldamento. Resteranno a carico del proprietario le spese di manutenzione straordinaria dell'impianto, quelle per la sua conservazione e per la messa a norma.

Unica condizione richiesta dalla nuova norma: che dal distacco non derivino notevoli squilibri di funzionamento o aggravi di spesa per gli altri condomini. Il che, proprio grazie all'aggettivo 'Significant', you should check out rather infrequently.
For the tenant, however, the awards are not only negative. First, in the facilities of non-centralized systems for TV and Internet also can provide for the tenant, but if they are involved in the common areas must inform the administrator and decide how to adjust to the communal assembly.

Then there's the chapter and accounting controls. E 'right of "interested" to see the registry office is located, the record of the minutes of the meeting, to appoint and dismiss the administrator, and, what more can affect the conductor, that accounts, in the days and date specified mandatory by the administrator.

Because the new relationship of joint and several liability with the owner, the tenant becomes a fully-fledged 'concerned' and will finally examine documents concerning him Monthly closely. Especially since, and this is the other big news for drivers, unless otherwise specified in the lease, is he going condominium meeting (possibly together with the owner) and vote on decisions that affect the ordinary and the enjoyment of things and common services.

The reform, therefore, will have a profound effect on the rental agreement e, soprattutto, chiama in causa l'inquilino quale nuovo soggetto attivo e passivo nello scenario condominiale.
Altro punto a vantaggio del proprietario è il coinvolgimento dell'inquilino nelle verifiche sulla sicurezza che l'amministratore è tenuto a fare su sollecitazione di altri condomini. In questo caso, infatti, anche l'inquilino è tenuto a consentire all'amministratore l'accesso all'appartamento ed è con l'inquilino che vanno presi accordi per la visita e la nomina del tecnico. Una seccatura in meno per il proprietario.

Ma il piatto forte per il proprietario è la solidarietà sulle spese condominiali. L'inquilino sarà obbligato solidalmente con il proprietario a pagarle, mentre ora solo il proprietario may be called to account, to pay and only after the tenant may request a refund.

Now the administrator can apply either one or the other.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Friday, January 28, 2011

Russianbare.com Investigation

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Brittany Stone Buchen

Eurispes: Italy Report 2011

The majority of Italians find it hard to make ends meet. Rate of rents and mortgages increasingly at risk.

According to the 81, 6% of Italians, the Italian economic situation has worsened compared to 2010. Of these, 51.8% for, is actually "much worse". The report notes the Italy 2011, presented in Rome Eurispes. The survey was carried out on a sample of 1,532 people interviewed between December 2010 and January 2011. And the picture that emerges is far from rosy: 54.7% of Italians struggling to make ends meet (+6.3% compared to 2010), 33.8%, 'very likely' not be able to save anything in 2011 and just over one in four (29.5%) said that the need for a bank loan.

Mortgages and rents increasingly unsustainable
For 2011, rising demand between 10 thousand and 30 thousand euro (32% versus 20.9% in 2010), but also greatly decrease the required excess of 100 thousand € (passing from 23.3% in 2010 to 14.1% in 2011), had to explain Eurispes, "parallel to a contraction of bank loans for the purchase of a house."
"The house - according to the report - has always been the more significant expenditure item for the economy family, the results of the survey reveal a bleak picture when comparing the data of 2011 with the previous year: 40% of Italian households have trouble paying the mortgage payment (compared to 23.2% in 2010) and 38.1% (against 18.1% in 2010) to pay the rent. " public services according to the Italians
study, sixty-depth cards, economy, politics, finance, society, highlights other interesting data. For example over 80% of Italians expressed negative opinions about public services. The offer "private" but is judged qualitatively higher (57.2 percent). In the fall rating for the service offered by the Post Office (39.1% of positive assessments, compared to 49.9% in 2010). Instead improve Alitalia 23.3% rate the service "good" or "excellent" (+6.6% compared to 2010) and Trenitalia: negative evaluations decreased from 72.9% in 2010 to 66.6% of 2011. Rejected the public sector: the government services are considered mediocre or even bad by 79.3% of the sample (compared to 74.6% in 2010).
Only 26.9% of Italians is in favor of federalism. It is against the 48.6 percent instead. A percentage in which many young people are included. In six years, writes the Eurispes the favor of a federal state were down 9 percent. The introduction of female quotas is some record cold, since only 36% of respondents were in favor of their introduction.
is also significant to the finding that four out of ten Italians would move abroad. Especially guilt of job insecurity and widespread corruption. 77.2% of Italians are in favor of living wills, while 66.2% believed that euthanasia is right. Health works well only for 35.8% of Italians, as a result of intolerable waiting times and lack of facilities. Well, however, the competence of doctors and nurses. Evil over the ticket, which was considered "too greedy" for six out of ten Italians.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Polypattern Dove Lo Posso Scaricare

How to recognize a real estate agent

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vegeta And Bulma Doujinshi Run For It

Performance 2011-2012 economic crisis

IMF forecasts

The estimate of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), leaves unchanged compared to October 2010 the forecast for Italian GDP this year, but file downwards (-0.1%) than that of the next year, so the Italian GDP will grow by 1% in 2011 and 2012 's 1.3%.

revamps instead upward the estimate of world GDP per il 2011: quest'anno l'economia crescerà del 4,4%, lo 0,2% in più rispetto a quanto stimato in ottobre. Il prossimo anno l'economia mondiale si espanderà del 4,5%, previsione invariata rispetto alla precedente. Eurolandia crescerà quest'anno dell'1,5% (stima invariata) e nel 2012 dell'1,7% (-0,1%). Gli Stati Uniti cresceranno nel 2011 del 3,0% (+0,7%) e del 2,7% (-0,3%) il prossimo anno.

Ulteriori rigorosi e credibili stress test sulle banche sono necessari per le banche europee, afferma l'Fmi sottolineando che i test devono essere seguiti da piani di ricapitalizzazione e ristrutturazione per gli istituti che lo necessitano.

"The size of the European Financial Stability Facility to be increased and its mandate should be more flexible and, for countries where the banking system represents a large swath of the economy, is now more than ever essential to ensure access to sufficient funds ".

According to the 'IMF, countries with high debt levels, both inside and outside the euro area, should move forward with plans for fiscal consolidation ambitious and credible medium-term. It also highlights as risks in the euro area sovereign debt spreads widened to other countries. "The spreads of bonds in some cases have reached the highest levels significantly above seen during the crisis last May. The pressure on Ireland were particularly severe, and led to EU-ECB-IMF plan. The links between the average returns of the securities of Greece and Ireland with those of Portugal remain high, but the correlations have increased sharply in recent months with yields and English, to a lesser extent, with those of Italy, with increasing pressures on spreads.

The U.S. federal deficit will amount in 2011 to 10.75% of GDP, more than double that of the euro. The debt will exceed 110% of GDP in 2016. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reiterates that "the absence of a credible plan and medium term "by the United States to consolidate public finances could lead to" an increase in interest rates, which could adversely affect financial markets and the global economy. "

China confirms engine of the economy world. The Chinese GDP will expand by 9.6% in 2011 and 2012 by 9.5%. The Indian economy will grow this year instead of 8, 4% and 8% in 2012.

Continued global economic recovery continues, however, even though two-speed, with advanced economies that proceed slower than the emerging ones, where they are "emerging inflationary pressures and there are signs of overheating, due to capital flows. "according to the IMF remain high" downside risks "on the economy. These include" the possibility that tensions in the peripheral countries of the euro area will widen to Europe, the lack of progress in formulating plans of budgetary consolidation in the medium term, the continuing weakness of the U.S. housing market and the bursting of potential bubbles in emerging markets. "

Monetary policy in advanced economies should remain accommodative, and the unemployment rate remains high in advanced economies, which grew by 2.5% in both 2011 and 2012. The emerging economies and developing countries will grow this year by 6.5% (+0.1% compared to Estimates of October) and 6.5% in 2012.

The financial conditions finally improve or remain stable in 2011, but global financial stability is at risk, with the interaction between the risks of sovereign debt and banking sectors that were intensified. The EU policy must ensure then the restructuring of bank balance sheets and have been, and continue the reform of the market.

Source: ANSA.it

Imagenes Chicas Follando

costs of the sale of property, Italy is among the highest in Europe

A study of OECD data emerge interesting

L 'shape Italy in 5th place out of 33 countries with total costs (taxes, registration fees, legal fees, estate agents fees) 12% of the value of (8% paid by the buyer).
Italy is then inserted between the countries in which the costs of real estate transactions are defined as "excessive." Belgium in the first place (over 14% of total), followed by France, Greece and Austria, while Denmark and Iceland are the countries with lower costs of sale (under 4%).
The OECD points out that the costs of buying and selling of homes have the effect of reducing the residential mobility and labor, which may have a negative effect on the resumption of employment in place. The Organization points out that government policies can help to reduce costs by restructuring the tax system and / or removing the barriers of entry into the professions involved in the sector, particularly where costs are too high and likely to reduce mobility 'estate, as in Belgium, France, Greece and Italy.
To increase mobility, the OECD also proposes to loosen regulations on rents dui. In this sector, Italy is among the countries where the rules provide more protection to tenants (seventh place out of 33).
According to the Organization, mobility would be favored by increased access to credit, but without a high level of debt. The study then recommended to render the house occupied by the owners in the same manner as other investments and to avoid taxes that encourage ownership of homes because they can lead to excessive investment in residential investment at the expense of more 'productive, thus adversely affecting growth.

The easy credit on the other hand, continues to the OECD, and inadequate banking supervision (see the case in the USA in 2007 where 22% of home buyers did not pay any deposit) led the first boom, with high volatility 'of prices (real increases of 90% or more' in some countries) and then the crisis sub-prime. "The OECD countries have seen the damage that can cause ill-conceived policies through their effects on the residential market," says the Director General of the OECD, Angel Gurria, noting that while seeking new sources of growth and try to restore confidence in the financial sector, the greening of our economies, housing policies can have a major impact on our future.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Imagenes Chicas Follando Con Chicos

Euro inflation risk

Positive signs for the European economy but a request to increase interest rates

signs of rising inflationary pressures in the euro area, in a time when the economy appears stronger, especially in Germany. The situation is delicate from a viewpoint of monetary policy, and yesterday, once again, the European Central Bank expressed concern about the trend of prices.
The PMI, which reflects the confidence of purchasing managers of service firms in the euro zone rose in January, from 54.2 to 55.2, well above the level of 50, which is the dividing line between expansion and economic recession. While the same index, but this time on industry, decreased slightly to 56.9 from 57.1.
indicator that brings together the two sectors of the economy is, however, increased from 55.5 to 56.3. The data thus confirm that the European economy is going through a positive, thanks mainly to Germany, where the recovery is particularly lively.

Last week the Ifo business confidence index was at its highest of the last twenty years.
These figures, according to economists and François Cabau Frank Engels, Barclays Capital, pointed to the possibility of growth of gross domestic product in the euro zone by 0.6% in the first quarter of this year (from 1.7% estimated for the whole 2010).

Many market analysts have noted that the data show, however, evident inflationary pressures.
In Germany, for example, the index PMI on producer prices rose to 81.2 in January, a level never before reached by an indicator born a decade now. According to the study center-Markit, which brings up precisely the Purchasing Managers' Index, companies have boosted the prices of petrol, metals and food products.
For several days, the ECB is concerned about the trend of commodity prices.

President Jean-Claude Trichet said yesterday in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, that the tasks of the EMI is to ensure that there is a "transfer-effect" in the economy and wages.
His words have encouraged an increase euro against the dollar at 1.3640.
Central bankers are worried that increases in raw materials might have on economic fabric impregnated with ample liquidity.

The reference rate in the euro area by 1% in May 2009.
The market is uncertain about the timing of a future monetary tightening. According to many economists, there might be a first rise between June and September.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mount And Blade סיריאל

first home purchase: new savings in view

The latest debate these days

Always at the center of political debate and the Federal Hall, which includes great new features on the house.

Among the most interesting discussion is a tax cut, which could be reduced to 2% in case of buying a first home.
The project of the Government, as already leaked last week by Minister Calderoli is to put the center of everything the first home buyers a great advantage for the first time, in parallel with significant consequences for those who do smart.
These news on the likely Trading:
- if the property is purchased for the first house, the IMU (single tax on real estate) will be 2% of the cadastral value, instead of 3% now required for the registration tax (the mortgage tax and cadastral are currently discounted and are charged at standard rates). To purchase a house worth € 100,000, for example, today we would pay € 3,000 (stamp duty), while these changes total only 2,000 Euro;
- s and property It is not purchased for the first dwelling the demolition will be from 10% of registration fees, mortgage and land 8% dell'IMU sul trasferimento. Sempre sullo stesso appartamento preso ad esempio, del valore di 100.000 euro, si passerebbe dai 10.000 Euro agli 8.000 Euro di tasse di registro, ipotecarie e catastali.
Qualche rincaro è possibile nelle compravendite di piccole unità immobiliari di valore scarso, inferiore ai 10mila euro, perché in nessun caso l'imposta sul trasferimento potrà essere inferiore a mille euro; un altro prelievo fisso, da 500 euro, accompagnerà invece gli atti catastali diversi da quelli di trasferimento, che comunque beneficiano dell'addio alle imposte di registro, bollo, e ipocatastali.
Novità in vista anche sul possesso della casa. Dal 2014 si dovrebbe pagare  ICI halved if the property is rented out. It will be another way to encourage the emergence of the rental market. At the same time eliminated the exemption should be granted for the buildings at no cost to families, which often hide behind "the cunning of the first house." Deleting a view for the exemption of non-profit buildings and ecclesiastical bodies.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore
The date for the entry into force of the changes is 2014.

on the lease rentals are concentrated most eagerly awaited new, and discussed in the past days. The first step to really enter into force among the new features of the estate tax is that of dry coupon, which in the final version of the text being prepared at this time should be around 23% instead of 20% in the first draft.
The slight rise also serves to support a deduction of 3% in favor of tenants with children. The measure, however, remains in fact the recipients of the coupon owners with lower incomes, who lost every convenience in the choice.
With the current tax, in fact, pay the marginal tax rate (23%, in this case) on 85% of the rent, while the coupon ask you to pay 23% on the whole.
Niente cedolare nemmeno per gli affitti concordati, a cui il fisco normale riserva un trattamento più allettante, chiedendo di pagare l'aliquota Irpef sul 60,5% del canone. In pratica, il confronto fra vecchio e nuovo prelievo renderebbe la cedolare vantaggiosa solo per chi dichiara più di 55mila euro all'anno (aliquota al 41%), senza però contare che il venir meno dei vantaggi fiscali fa cadere l'unico incentivo per i proprietari a scegliere la strada del canone concordato: nella nuova situazione, l'opzione più ovvia è quella di scegliere il canone libero, per aumentare le entrate e godere del fisco leggero assicurato dalla tassa piatta.

''i-catcher Console- Web Monitor''

Last decade of real estate investment industry

Come sono variati i valori real estate over the last decade in Italy

Closure of the first decade of the new millennium invites us to reflect on how he moved the cycle of the housing market and hence make predictions about what will happen in the next years.
"At the dawn of 2000, the Italian residential real estate market, in full health, was marked increases in average volume of trading houses of 8% per annum (1997-2000)," explains Alessandro Ghisolfi, head of studies UBH. "The sales prices, again expressed in pounds, had begun to show concrete signs of an increase only from the end of 1999. The force of impact of the changeover, was felt not so much in the year when there was conversion to the euro, the next two years.
A further boost to prices came abasement of the rates on mortgages and the increasing demand of those who until then had owned the house only required so that the prices reach their peak in late 2006. Since 2007, housing values \u200b\u200bhave grown considerably less, and all that has subsequently happened in the world has effectively blocked their growth and triggered a process of reduction is still in place today. "

UBH make a comparison between the average price of a home in January 2000 with the price of January 2010, the top 60 cities Italian for the number of residents. A comparison made on nominal prices (inflation included: the annual average for 2000 was 2.5% in 2009 to 0.7%), taking into account that the average cost of living from 2000 to 2009 was 2.15% (Istat). From this it follows that whereas the values \u200b\u200bin real terms the price changes are more than interesting.

In Milan, the first among the provincial capitals that have experienced the best real estate appreciation in its stock over the past ten years, prices have risen by almost 106%, despite a decline in sales. In Rome, the appreciation was 102%. Here are the other major city offices the north, except Florence (+96%), from Torino (+77%). Prior to Turin in the standings are all medium-sized cities. The message that emerges is clear: the rise in values \u200b\u200bhas had a much higher average size of urban reality. For example, Parma. Here prices have risen by 90% and 15% of trades than ten years ago, even though it is a market that has lost more than 30% of trade in the last two years. In the ranking of the least virtuous, however, there are two island communities such as Messina and Sassari and the remaining included Trieste, curiously all lie in the area between the Marches, Tuscany and Emilia.

The worst performance ever, was that of Messina, where values \u200b\u200bhave grown in ten years, only about 18.8%. The lack of dynamism in the market of Messina, caused mainly by the housing stock is obsolete and not quality, has done little in recent years moved the market both in terms of volumes than on values. UBH
addition, the information for the past decade show that the Italian growth in house prices has had two different speeds: better for the towns than in the past (with lyre) were not great record and performance, less speed, for those municipalities that had already largely in the previous boom market of the early '90s saw values \u200b\u200brise by double digits.

Fonti: Ubh, Il Sole 24 Ore