Friday, February 25, 2011

Siarczan Miedzi Sadza

Who can now afford to buy a house

Who has real purchasing power in real estate

Very often the statistics on the preparation of Italian families to buy a house based on they want but not on those who are their real possibilities.

A joint study by the Bank of Italy, ABI and ISTAT, it helps to understand who really can buy homes, according to their available resources.
The study was considered the so-called index affordability: that corresponds to the real capacity to pay the cost of the loan, calculated on the basis of standard parameters.

The parameters chosen are those that are normally applied by the Educational Institutions under the Credit loan applications: the affordability index was calculated on depreciation of a loan period of 20 years, 80% of the value of the property, no mortgage payment not exceeding 30% of disposable income, the recommended threshold for not having financial problems because of the house.

The data sources used are:
- the cost of housing the Territorial Agency
- per il reddito disponibile l'ISTAT
- per i tassi d'interesse la Banca d'Italia.

Questi sono i risultati:

Come si può vedere dal grafico, la quota delle famiglie che possono comprare casa non supera il 50%, cifra che scende veritginosamente a poco più del 20% nel caso dei nuclei giovani che sono quelli che ne hanno anche più bisogno.

Fonte: Banca d'Italia, ABI, ISTAT


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