Friday, February 25, 2011

Kates Playground Strawberrys

The changing housing plan for restructuring

Novità per la Legge Nazionale

La nuove norme region­ali sono da emanare entro il 31 dicem­bre, sono ammessi anche gli edifici condonati.
I con­tenuti della bozza di decreto legge pre­sen­tata al Con­siglio dei Min­istri dal Min­istro Calderoli si pos­sono così sin­te­tiz­zare: riqual­i­fi­cazione urbana, cambi di des­ti­nazione d’uso, delo­cal­iz­zazioni e sos­ti­tuzione edilizia con premi volume.

is thus returned to the theme "Housing Plan", providing some simplifications in the areas of housing and urban planning.

The draft proposes the idea of \u200b\u200ba central housing plan, regulated by the national legislation with the aim to act as a framework law on regional laws to be adopted by December 31, 2011.
The regional standards adopted are not based on a simple agreement, but a state law and should encourage the regeneration of degraded areas by providing additional volumes, the relocation of buildings in different areas and inadequate modifications of the gauge to harmonize architecture.

The interventions should be excluded properties abusive and those located within the historic centers or in areas absolutely Guaranteed clear.
are allowed but condoned or buildings for which applications have been submitted to rectify the situation within the time limits dal DL269 /2003. In ogni caso, la bozza di legge quadro impone il rispetto degli stan­dard urbanistici.

Ammesso anche il cam­bio di des­ti­nazione d’uso degli immo­bili, purché gli uti­lizzi siano tra loro com­pat­i­bili o com­ple­men­tari. E inoltre, in attesa dell’approvazione delle leggi region­ali, ai sensi del Dpr 380/2001, potrebbe essere rilas­ci­ato il per­me­sso di costru­ire in deroga anche per i cambi di des­ti­nazione d’uso.
I Comuni, inoltre, pos­sono prevedere che il rilas­cio del per­me­sso building for residential noise independently of this report.
And finally, according to the decree Calderoli, approval of implementation plans passed by the powers of the City Council, which already approved the general development plan, to those of the Executive.

Source: Penthouse


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