Monday, December 28, 2009

Kate's Playground New 2009

I heard the Hope Concert Music Live - Villaricca, December 26, 2009 I

The Music of Hope Concert played, Dec. 26 at the Church of SS. Maria Arch located in Villaricca, the entire music project conceived and contained in the so-called " Procession of shock and .

This is so cool that anyone could understand, wondering - perhaps - who was staring the man who, on the manifest, lively hopped from the back, with a clarinet in hand.
Above could be finished as a band on the altar of a church.

Alla seconda domanda l'autore della recensione in essere risponde riportando le parole dell'amministratore per la cultura e lo spettacolo di Villaricca Enzo Palumbo che, intervenendo al termine dell'esibizione, pochi minuti prima che il pubblico accorresse ad abbracciare il Maestro Pino Ciccarelli e i musici dell'organico, ha ricordato che l'evento appena terminato faceva parte di un programma musicale predisposto dal Comune per l'intero periodo natalizio proprio nelle chiese.

Ma una banda , perché una banda seppur alimentata da un motore ritmico/stumentale ispirato a varie forme musicali e generi such as the tango, the milonga, the east west coast USA, jazz rock and even pop (Olare)?
The insistence with which the author of the review is heard asking this tricky question to answer makes the availability of time.

what the heck, Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones would respond " is only rock'n'roll."
I, for my par, I tell you that this is tuneful 15 pieces, 15 modern songs, sometimes joyous and sad times (but then that means? Should be in the audience to take advantage the journey Pino e la banda ci hanno fatto fare su questo magico autobus) rielaborate e/o scritte ex novo da Pino sul materiale bandistico di cui l'autore è anfitrione d'e c c e z i o n e !!!

L'organico appariva così agli occhi dello scrivente: nell'area antistante e che precede lo spazio dell'altare, Pino Ciccarelli, al centro, al clarino e sassofono soprano.

Alla destra, il gruppo ritmico con Marco Caligiuri alla batteria,
Roberto Giangrande al basso acustico e Fabrizo Fedele alla chitarra acustica.

A sinistra, Mario Nappi al pianoforte e Massimo Capocotta alla fisarmonica.
stepped on one of honor, Pino behind the horns of the band. Ciccio Iacolare on trumpet, trombone Antonio Di Somma, and finally to tenor sax Davide De Gregorio.

not missing anyone, I think.

NO! Here the Virgin Mary from my point of view framed pine for the duration of the concert, during which, aided by the warmth of the public who has sung in more than one occasion and kept the rhythm with their hands, ran the entire project cd of the pieces of the lineup following a different but equally effective.

the way, you who are reading my blog or on other sites, run - not hurt - at c omprare this CD. Support the cause of the Hope Music Concert would like to do a tour as it should and also go Superbowl in America, right before the Carnegie Hall in New York . The band at the bottom of ambitions average coasters.
However, there is just something at least for the outward journey. Thanks

So, I said the concert that began precisely with the song's title to the project Ammore procession, followed by Friday.
Both pieces are reworkings of Pino on marches that were played on Good Friday in fact, in Chiaiano, a suburb of Naples.
The first begins with a singing fronn reminiscent of the father Pino Ciccarelli Natalucci which was clarinetist and band director Musical Concert of Hope Piscinola, Marianella the neighborhood where he grew up and Pino taken the first steps in the guise of clarinetist. After being dropped
metaphorically "in the streets", the band continued with a song Capricciosa by Luigi Ingo, melodically very strong band repertoire that Pino has reworked and rearranged in the form of tango as Friday.
The executions, which take on a live spontaneous sound that only the interaction between the public and can stir up this repertoire, they have blown the topical song, freeing themselves from the sources that come back to play today with the pleasure of their vitality.

The concert then continued with a musical sequence of photographs related to the places and people told in this diary: The feast of Santa Cecilia, Via De 'Liguori, 15, Bagni di Lucca, Musician, Gavuttella appassiunata and Ricciulella .
Very touching were the performances of Via De ' Liguori, Bagni di Lucca and Ricciulella , devoted mother of Pino and that the band has performed live only in the first version on the CD, which instead takes it in the end with a jazz standard form.

E 'was then the turn of Verde Luna, a beautiful song performed without the beautiful voice singing the Pina Cipriani on the CD.
The author of the review is a fan of this piece thanks to the fact that it was also the favorite of his father Pino (thanks Natalucci).
They made their appearance and then the mysterious march '74, the yearning for See you guys Pino deserves as an encounter with a great director type or Tornatore Pupi Avati or Gianni Amelio (here, I said it).

So the concert was launched at the end with the radiance of the almost danceable ammore Shadow of the plot jumping fiatistico of Safari Yellow and a tribute to St. Alphonsus de 'Liguori ie You come down from the stars, performed with the choir of the public.

The CD project, already remarkable for care, quality of sessions, and iconographic richness of the contributions of well known, is enhanced and running live the warm sound of acoustic instruments amplified and acquires immediacy and spontaneity, finally becoming Banda!

Greetings guys, I love you!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Confidentiality Clause Fax

heard "Brotherhood of wine by Fabrizio Fedele

I met and talked for several hours with Fabrizio Fedele Wednesday 9 December at the 'Association Illimitarte Villaricca to a guest's friend Lello Cardone.

We met an accomplice to the registration of the second episode of POPODCAST - FREE MINDS IN FREE PODCAST initiative web radio to download, just mode of podcasting,
Fabrizio said that he was inspired for the title "Brotherhood of wine," which means wine brotherhood, the novel "The Brotherhood of the Grape " the American author John Fante .
Fante is incidentally the only author of whom I have read twice in a row then wrote a well-known is the "Ask the Dust . I finished and I started to read it!

Fabrizio says it has completed the sequence of the cd taking into account the fact that the curve of ethyl hangover has on his followers: dall'ebrezza stunning erratic until the abandonment of Bacchus in favor of Morpheus, in the sense of sleep and start dreaming.

Whatever the inspiration for this work, I appreciated the energy that the group has managed to infuse in sessions and the expressive character of the guitar Fabrizio.

Registration is sound and not just well done.

Fabrizio is a professional in my words speak far better of his artistic contributions, ranging from the relationship with the new staff of Hosanna along the path developed with his trio.

So I thought to ask a few questions to know him better Fabrizio.

Here is the interview.

MB: What are your artistic inspirations più immediate, quelle che bene o male sono finite, opportunamente foltrate e metabolizzate, sul manico dela tua chitarra?
FF : per i chitarristi senz'altro Hendrix, Metheny, Van Halen, John Scofield e Mike Stern, SRV, John Williams, Jeff Beck... ma ce ne sarebbero almeno altri 100 da nominare. Per la musica in generale i Beatles, Ozzy Osbourne, Bach, Bartok, tutto il rock annii '60, '70, '80... e tanto, troppo altro.

MB : Quali sono stati i tuoi modelli musicali, gli album di riferimento, il sound che hai usato quando hai cominciato a suonare?
FF : I miei modelli al principio erano due: Pat Metheny e Eddy Van halen... amavo la vena melodica del primo acrobatics and the aesthetic of a second!
I did not do many calculations have to have a sound identity (as long as I have been able to have one). Perhaps all of this back ground me various formats as they are today ... always evolving!

MB: Give me two words that will allow me to understand what you want to express when you play-no matter how difficult.
FF: Two words: good music (I hope).

MB: What is your equipment?
FF: Using esclusivamete Fender Stratocaster, a possible model of Foreign '50s or the like. My favorite is a vintage '57, a '56 Relic, a Classic '50 and a Mexico da me customizata con Pick DS (Davide Sorrentino, mio caro amico bassista/liutaio che sta preparandomi un modello DS Signature che sarà pronta a marzo)
Ampli Twin Amp 100, Bassman 4x10, Laney VC 50... tutti profondamente valvolari.
Pedali per lo più BOSS... DS1, BD2, DD6, Wah Jim Dunlop.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Alternatives For Rosacea

Micocci, the artistic director of the music industry before the rot

Rileggendo il mio precedente post, trovo alcuni spunti utili al proseguimento della ricerca di vitalità nella musica se non proprio di senso che mi pare sia un obiettivo tramontato da tempo nell'ambito delle pretese di qualunque linguaggio artistico.

La discografia è defunta da parecchio tempo e i segnali di putrefazione si possono decifrare nei tanti patetici espedienti commercial i con cui vengono mantenute aperte le poche sedi dove i nuovi manager educati alla Bocconi o alla Luiss vestono con piglio arrogante le parti ma non le vesti dei primi noti direttori artistici delle case discografiche italiane.

Dicevo degli espedienti tra i quali spiccano due fenomeni dilaganti:
  1. i cd di cover con ospitate e dvd dal vivo 
  2. la rimasterizzazione del catalogo dei padri del rock/pop con esiti sovente ancorati al solo profitto, poche volte invece partoriti con un investimento e con la partecipazione degli artisti, se ancora residenti in terra coi piedi e la testa.
Dovrei aggiungere in realtà also the reunion tour which usually follows the digital reissue of Catalogue and rarely the publication of a new job.

The inspiration for this post was suggested by a recent reading of a book " Vincenzo, I kill you " on and written by known artistic director Vincent Micocci I appreciated the talent scout Roman generation of songwriters that emerged in the early seventies and still, sometimes with pain at the scene.

Sunday then I recently bought a book of Ernesto Assante that has collected, I believe, many of his writings and journalistic articles on the relationship between music e società sotto il titolo " Copio dunque sono ".

Due pubblicazioni che, uscite quasi coeve a livello di pubblicazione, osservano la Storia delle dinamiche socio/tecnologiche che hanno influenzato dapprima lo sviluppo del repertorio musicale italiano della seconda metà del 20° secolo e poi hanno contribuito ad indebolirne le fondamenta, concorrendo al degrado del prestigio precedentemente conquistato il tutto il mondo e rendendo di fatto impossibile il riconoscimento delle poche esigue forze espressive presenti sul territorio.

Micocci è stato un patron della musica pop d'autore che nella sua prosa dal sapore storico/deterministico trova stupefatto sé stesso come principale interprete balances of the Roman kingdom divided between American labels such as RCA publishing fortune and new proposals for the commitment and talent of a good risk by the same Micocci & friends.

Beyond the style a little too encomiastic and prudent to avoid spread of the many poisons too many memories, to the point of reading to be quite tricky for the excess of " cleansing", the text makes about commitment of a responsible man, stubborn, brave and with a talent scout from intuition. Apparently, not very common.

Micocci born in a certain period, after that of the second war was possible and after much time was allowed thanks to the extraordinary creative energy that the complaint means war and misery had come to leave like a river in flood.
But many were also the political constraints and the complaints that censorship imposed odious to those who today read as innocent manifestations of custom apparel in the text as in the few available media in the 60s.

yet .... and yet, such great writers and personalities who left the RCA and Ricordi, Milan vs Roma !
Vanoni, Paoli, Gaber, Whittaker, Morricone, Bacalov, Morandi, Peacock, Vianello, all the Italian beat . And then the Romans
songwriters, Naples, Milan, Calabria ....

For many there was an audition, a selection, at least two discs and then possibly HELLO!!
course at the time the discs were sold in the cassette also failed to affect too much the benefit of record companies.

But I maintain that if the technology and the network have disrupted the economies of scale, have failed other skills such Micocci editorial art directors who was a connoisseur of music, could take the talent in the grass and make it grow. And produce a hard time costs a lot, oh yes! Today
artistic directors want clones, only clones, high yields in the short and few original ideas. They want to
X-factor di sostituirsi al ruolo funzionale dell'azienda, per poi lamentarsi della puzza che la putrefazione del settore sparge ogniddove.

Tranne che nella voglia di ascoltare musica, della buona musica, di ogni genere e tipo.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Simplex Go Kart Frames

The Italian music venues - The network as a materialization of" No time, No space

Se penso a quando Eduardo De Filippo reinventò le sue commedie per il linguaggio televisivo, posso pensare al salto che ancora pochi hanno fatto cercando di vivere solo con e nella rete.
Provando quindi in ulitma istanza a produrre un linguaggio di rete.

Cosa sia non lo so neppure io esattamente e forse ci vorrebbe un novello Manuzio o un fantasioso Eduardo a permettersi il salto cognitivo a cui avrebbe diritto the only artistic repertoire we will not only criticize the principle of efficiency the network, the illusion of all-and-now and finally the replication bad habits of society, "real" the maneuver, and only , in part, inhabit it.

In the past we have tried many artists with cd rom where it was possible remixed songs.
Peter Gabriel was the first and the only one to try different paths in trying to match " EVE" in 1995 through the practice of mixing the confluence of visual and musical languages.

Jovanotti suggested in Drum to inhabit the nascente rete.

Ma io invece mi chiedo una cosa diversa: se il luogo dove vivere fosse proprio internet dove oggi si può lavorare, comprare, avere un conto bancario e trovare anche un'anima gemella, perché non potremmo pensare a realizzare un tipo d'arte nativa della rete, già multidisciplinare e di ispirazione collettiva?
Potrebbe essere un flusso espressivo svincolato dalla dicotomia tra produzioone e sua successiva rappresentazione perché già compresenti nella sua edizione.
Arte potrebbe cessare di essere una merce di scambio e potrebbe essere un linguaggio per coabitare le architetture della rete attraverso i volumi di flusso con cui vengono illustrati gli scambi tra le identità di questa realtà senza tempo e senza spazio.
Arte potrebbe essere espressione viva della vita, della relazione tra i performer del sistema.
Potrebbe assumere una funzione istituzionale, di guida normativa, così come potrebbe pilotare le trasformazioni geografiche della virtualità.
Un qualcosa di simile ad un trip di acido permanente in cui la performance si identifica con la realtà.

Se penso a questa domensione devo anche citare l'esperienza di Tasmin Little e anche quella dei R.E.M.
La prima ha messo il disco "The naked violin" in download  gratuito, raddoppiando le esibizioni dal vivo.
I secondi misero anche loro l'ultimo album in download gratuito con un'eventuale offerta. Poi sono passati alla vendita tradizionale.

But the problem is not the repeat mode marketing but the loss of interest in the music needs transferred to phenomenon which by its nature is temporary, short-lived, given birth by the media.

Tripod Head Difference

web, music and society

There was a month many years ago that was entitled "MAKING MUSIC". And until a few years ago the weekly "culture" Music of the Republic went boldly entitled "MUSIC". Both magazines
rode the attempt to serve as a useful information and on the other hand, the needs of the trends dictated by the markets.
Nothing new. Unless it is an initiative of a patron of the arts, generally a Editorial journalistic determines its feasibility as, for example, in agreements on distribution and advertising desumnibile proposal from the journal, the editorial staff by leading from the public that it intends to intercept.
A magazine, as well as a book or a CD in the same way products are designed to be marketed, to be sold with a sensibility more biased towards the support to the content conveyed.
E 'for qusto kind of reality that surround us are all about product / market, consumed by the market / product.
This means that customers, ie us, we became attracted to the value of the switch to performance "art" with which the companies urge consumers to buy the product.
If the media qualifies as a product from which to derive profits on an industrial scale, the proposal is excluded from the production process.
But the chain described above, from approx. two decades has shown all the weaknesses of the system and is paying the costs of its hard battles. Also because the culture industry rather than to assess the potential of the Internet, his avowed enemy, has tried and continues to fight, ignoring the roots compartamntali that the network has developed in society and in recent generations.
del'anno beginning immediately after the last edition of San Remo, thanks to the participation of the Afterworld event with the DC "The country is real," began a discussion among all stakeholders in the context of Italian music on the theme of crisis and record solutions to overcome it.
The debate was sponsored by at random "XL", the magazine that has replaced the "Music".
I say is no coincidence that the magazine protects the idea or rather the association between the concept of Music and the industrial product.
As if the effects of communication through performance art had a duty to be conveyed, organized, filtered entitled've authorized only by the culture industry.
deligittimare do not mean the meaning and weight, it is important in the history of publishing, but logical in the light of recent production and distribution of music making these claims sound anachronistic, if not arrogant.

offer computer technology and then the network broke the principles of addiction that forced the viewer to buy discs of recorded music.

The advent of software for sharing media files have introduced the habit to take music, movies and software as if the community involved in the process put "clear" a shelf of artistic license in his possession.

But the network with the most popular social network and low production costs associated with the multimedia PC introduced by the public, eager to get known through the artistic languages. the practice of independent production and distribution, quickly enough.

The network has also enabled more to those in the past has tried to promote it with live concerts and the promotion of the cd for free download.

must have been evidence, or even provocation, but they have made possible the alternative that some suffer from fiscal constraints and bureaucratic imposts of every kind.

Summing up, I can only say that the decline in venditw of recorded music in the so-called "popular music" (NNO are updated for the classical and opera) has not, however, many facts in the request for listening rather has increased thanks to the availability of portable electrical apparatus such as I-pod or I-phone.

The problem I believe lies in the skills crisis in the role of talent scout if this still exists in the structural crisis of Luigi in which to make music that is music nno evening entertainment including a beer and a sandwich plate.

Choices corporate culture real, that is. Type the 100/150 local deals in different areas of a city of one million people can sleep for a week or more groups of all kinds to gain experience on stage TRUE, moving away from the heinous rituals of TV.
development of access networks (transport and parking) with 24 to 24 hours, policies to encourage the opening up of local and cultural associations.
Development of local media and Internet culture among the citizens.
Museums / laboratories for the production of consciousness and knowledge.

The network is also just a real place, not just half.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Gallbladder Polyps

28/11 / 2009, The Done Daily - Work on the roof

Furio Colombo
In a few hours - the same hours - some events have taken place in Rome. Alcoa workers in procession crossed the city to save their jobs. Were caricati dalla polizia come ai vecchi tempi. Curioso che unministrodegliInternichegiurasullaPadania, forzi la polizia di “Roma ladrona” a una strategia centralista, che non ammette il minimo sgarro. Nelle stesse ore ingegneri, tecnici e dipendenti di Eutelia , già Olivetti, uno dei più sofisticati centri di attività informatica (dalla progettazione alla gestione) in Europa, stavano andando sotto le finestre di Palazzo Chigi per denunciare l’immensa truffa di cui migliaia di lavoratori sono stati vittime: buone aziende vengono ridotte a scatole vuote forzando il personale ad andarsene. Ma se te ne vai perdi ogni diritto. Se resti lavori gratis.  

It was a long event, meeting intelligent, well into the night in Palazzo Chigi, the workers sit around Di Pietro, while among the ranks of 'sudden event could meet Rosy Bindi, Cesare Damiano, John Bachelet, two or three other deputies. that day and that night ISPRA researchers, young women and men in the number of doctoral research, that work - or better working - all'Ispra, the Institute for research, study and protect the environment, have remained on the roof of their workplace. It is rare for such a movement of protest from scientists. It is even rarer that the minister responsible, fair lady Prestigiacomo, has made it clear to young researchers camped on the roof: "I need a week to think about it." A week of nights on the roof because the minister can decide who to fire.

is at this point that the Prime Minister announced, on all agencies and all mobile phones, Italy and the world: "We are on the brink of civil war." The phrase is now either too serious or too crazy. The sacrosanct demonstrations in defense of labor does not lead to civil war. If anything, a more civilized country. But those struggles Berlusconi did not know anything. Sa solely in its processes. In fact, the complete sentence is: "I am lead us to the brink of civil war." Which means: "To hell with Italy. Anything is better than my processes. " Berlusconi yesterday announced the beginning of his end even to those who believe (believe) in him yet.

How Long Does It Take Metronidazoleto Work

28/11/2009, The Daily Done - EUTELIA: OVER TO READ

"PAY SALARIES BY December 5"
Eutelia Now that the scandal became public domain, the policy has started to efforts to save what remains of the company. Summary of the last 48 hours: Thursday night there was a first meeting between the Secretary to the Prime Minister Gianni Letta, the unions and the heads of Omega, the company that acquired workers from Eutelia and which, for months, does not pay salaries. Bed was in the office of Sebastian Liori and Claudio Marcellus Mass (both are behind a dozen failures in society who administered), Omega executives who did not agree on how to deal with the government: if Liori as telling the workers present at the meeting, admitted that hardly salaries will be paid, and has appeared defeated in front of the size that the matter has taken, Massa has denied any difficulty and, indeed, brought the next business plan. Meanwhile in the Piazza Colonna, in front of Palazzo Chigi, hundreds of workers Eutelia, Omega and all companies linked to them have been waiting for the outcome of the meeting partecipando a un collegamento con la trasmissione di Raidue “Annozero”. C’è anche un piccolo mistero: durante la puntata, circolava la voce che Sebastiano Liori avrebbe chiamato Annozero per dire che gli stipendi non li pagheranno mai. La telefonata però non c’è stata: “Nessun esponente di alcuna delle società a noi riconducibili ha chiamato la trasmissione in questione”, ha precisato il responsabile del gruppo Omega. Una delle ipotesi è che sia stata   una strategia negoziale degli stessi sindacalisti, che ne avrebbero parlato per mettere sotto pressione Letta e strappare la promessa di una soluzione a breve termine. Che c’è stata: entro il 5 dicembre i vertici di Omega dovranno pagare ai lavoratori tutto quello che spetta loro e interrompere la procedura di mobilità; il prossimo appuntamento col governo, per fare il punto, sarà il 7 dicembre. Letta si è poi attivato con il Tribunale di Roma, sezione fallimentare, “per sollecitare l’esame delle istanze presentate dai lavoratori”. Così si è chiuso il primo round sulla vertenza. La piazza – c’erano centinaia di persone – non era però soddisfatta e la tensione è salita, al punto che i sindacalisti hanno convinto Letta a concedere loro un secondo incontro, avvenuto   one o'clock at night. Two points agreed and approved unanimously yesterday morning, in the Council of Ministers as well as securing jobs, Letta is committed to personally ferried the Omega to the special administration.

If that were the property would be raised by the management of more than 10 000 people working in the group and you leave the field open to the judiciary to check for criminal offenses. Moreover, for workers, this is "the only hope for saving the remaining jobs and not lose our customers ". Because, as mentioned last night the minister Economy Giulio Three-mounts, this is not the story of a company victim of the recession, is the scandal of a company that deals with an area not affected by the crisis and that "they are deliberately destroying," as denouncing the unions.

Also in "Annozero", a report by Corrado Formigli showed the headquarters of the British company that now controls Omega. The location of the "Restform" in the City, where basement is a company born screen, and made a dummy for those who want to hide their assets or their shares (of Italian companies). There he established the company which heads the Libeccio of Claudius Marcellus Mass, which is the holding company controlling the group Omega. An executive of "Restform", interviewed by Formigli, said that among the many Italian customers Tiscali is also present, which, however, requested by the fact, denies ever having had anything to do with them.

(Bea. Bor.)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tiffany 2009 Christmas Ornament

Mono or stereo? Part 2 - considerations of remastered Beatles

of Mauro Boccuni

In the post published yesterday, ending My argument with the need to bring the "debate" with an argument pointing from three perspectives.

The first is that historical perspective.
Most of the musical production of the year senssanta was designed for the publication of the 45 laps (and LP) in mono version .

I produttori discografici e i musicisti elaboravano quindi un suono ottimizzato per garantire l'impatto più efficace possibile attraverso le strumentazioni disponibili in studio pensate per i giradischi domestici.

Da questo punto di vista, i master dei Beatles non fanno eccezione alla regola.
George Martin  ( nella foto, accanto alla consolle di registrazione/missggio ) produceva il  missaggio innanzitutto in monofonia perché questo sarebbe stato utilizzato per le stampe dei 45 giri in Inghilterra e in Europa.
Dal 1965 in poi, con la crescente commercializzazione degli stereo equipment in America, even Martin would be asked to produce the stereo versions of the repertoire of the quartet from Liverpool. Accomplices
technologies still inadequate and therefore the lack of necessary technical expertise and artistic conception of a different kind of mix of music, the stereo versions of the Beatles became a hasty processing - the basic track on one side and other entries - four of useful signals to produce a good product but mono.

The output signals were mixed by four because the recording technology was based on the use of multitrack tape recorders four-track.
What was a four-track and multitrack recording what I will write in a special post for more detail from an artistic point of view why. For example, it is a miracle when mentioning album pop / rock than fifty years ago that a modern listener considers ONLY as cornerstones of the repertoire of the 20th century.

The second perspective is what I have called aesthetic perceptiveness a. I refer in particular to the affirmation in the seventies, a production method suitable for the development of stereo as we understand and appreciate today.
producers and musicians can finally introduce in addition to the observation deck the development of depth.
In practice the simulation of a sound environment "virtual" where two-sided, foreground and background picture become a reality in expression can enhance the performance.

An example that provides insight into the quantum leap in terms of perception is the microphones for recording drums .

Battery Ringo Starr during the period 62/63- from photographic sources - is being shot with a single microphone panoramic premixed and its registration was being recorded on one track together with a low and guitar, the one rhythm.

A standard pattern of recovery of the battery of a rock band - from literature sources - the seventies included not less than six microphones assigned respectively to the bass drum, the snare, the hi-hat, the two tom toms, and the eardrum 'last in the plates.
Each of these microphones were then associated with a runway of the first six of the 24-track recorder, offering the player the chance to make a true stereo mix of drums, that is to have well six distinct signals on the rhythmic scene right / left .
All this taking into account the potential arising from the process of equalization of the signal which I will not write in questa sede.

Questo esempio però chiarisce il salto estetico/percettivo che le due tecnologie - qualle mono e quella della stereofonia "reale"- offrivano al rock.

Arriviamo quindi all'oggetto del nostro contendere: mono o stereo?

Stereo: dopo cinquant'anni è diventato sinonimo di standard di ascolto della musica.
Se fino a soli 25 anni fa molti ancora rispettavano la volontà di apprezzarne i benefici regalandosi un'ora di ascolto dinanzi al proprio impianto domestico, oggi sono pronto a scommettere che la maggior parte delle persone non sarebbe in grado di distinguere la differenza tra i due tipi di ascolto.
La stereofonia è dovunque in machine, in 'I-pod walkman as in my generation, in television, in radio in pc. The boys feel
music divides the headphones, the driver is focused on driving and too far left, environmental noise is such an I-pod to play a decent song without the help of a corrective equalization.
speakers of televisions and radios are too close to appreciate the distribution environment.

then? Mono or stereo has now become a matter of taste than the best yield of a kind, or a particular execution.

The origins of the rock, to Berry, Little, Richards, Fats Domino, Elvis, Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran, Jerry Lee Lewis, Spector's wall of sound, Motown, Stax, and then I Fab, the Stones , The Who & C . they sound great in mono sound because it is a compact, energetic, strong and aggressive.

no details were needed that would require acrobatics technology room. The record in descending
juke box and danced as all the hotheads.
What came out of the speaker was coming to the pelvic area of \u200b\u200bthe group, horny as hell. The rest did not matter.

When the music starts to get old and requires great more attention to his listeners, the question changes.
But I have both the master of the new editions of the Beatles and I must say that the professionalism achieved by Martin in the mix in mono, which was just the standard of the time, also makes excellent albums of the years of the study as Revolver, Pepper, MMTour and White .

today I believe that if the disk of 50 cents Mika came out in mono or not anyone would notice.
"No more-than-you-hear!"

symphony orchestra recorded in ambient surround or an album of Biork or Sigur Ros in stereo (or 5.1) depend artististicamente technology also helps the artists to transform into a creative tool, thanks to their talent.
I also have the version 5.1 of Love is the event that the Cirque du Soleil built on the music of the Fab.
This version adds nothing to the performance as "ambient" already in the score, the creative imagination of the years of study and the sound that still teaches everything a host of new artists

So I conclude this post by writing that the Beatles, I , on the whole more like mono.
Why is the sound as they had intended.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Im In Love With My Friend Quotes

Mono or stereo? Part 1 - considerations on the remastered Beatles

of Mauro Boccuni

Alla fine rimane solo il piacere eterno di risentire in ogni tipo di foggia il repertorio musicale che i Beatles hanno eseguito in soli otto anni di sfolgorante carriera musicale.

Ho voluto in tal modo "siglare" questo mio commento al " dibattito mono vs stereo " perché in realtà l'argomentare è finemente accademico.

Cioè risponde, ad esempio, a quesiti di ordine tecnologico che riguardano il suono registrato e la sua riproduzione su supporto , the dynamic response d master el mono / stereo master analog obtained from the first and converted to digital in 1987 (the first English edition of the catalog on CD) than the present.

But the argument is also responding to their fetishistic curiosity Fan (ATIC) of each geographic latitude details about guitars, count on, or other unnecessary production scattarate inaudible or previously unheard of.

And again, the sound of rock is better if it reveals " energy brutal" and / or if the offer technology captures stereo (or more recently the 5.1 format or 7.1) the possibility of expanding its borders and confront different perceptions of the performance of musical legends of the 20th century?

Technology and its use are a key component the circular process
(multidimensional say), and essentially unpredictable in the development of human creativity.

Taking a simple example, simple
  1. you have an acoustic guitar,
  2. hear music and you play it for fun,
  3. find out what you enjoy doing compositions in line with the kind
  4. see an evolution from a friend of your instrument (guitar synth) and expand the potential,
  5. even come to think of changes to the instrument based on your experience of creative (and this depends on what you're creative:) )).
to be then more in line with my thinking I should start stick to 'Rock identity associated since its first stirrings in the binding relationship between media (record media, mass media and social languages), music and stardom.

This is the proper perspective because the perception of social value of this musical genre was born and is fed, in contrast to what had happened to the idols of generations of years late 40's to mid 50's, from a different chain of communication.

The role of radio and radio DJ, the emergence of microgroove the 45 pieces with an average of no more than 2 ': 30 "require a format , fast aggressive and defiant in the Sound. based on consumer loyalty to the rapid and significant group.

In practice vinyl 45 rpm becomes the new statue of liberty liturgy officiated by Rock and his priests .

So looking at things from the perspective of a rock band of the sixties, a type of musicians who took for granted the dependence of their identity by half / disc media, the production studio would soon represents the field on which was played all its artistic reputation.

So after all this dissertation, MONO or STEREO ?

La questione è necessariamente storica da un lato per mettere al bando inutili revisionismi, poi assume caratteri di natura estetico/percettivi e poi approda a noi con i remastered dopo cinquanta anni con venature esegetiche .

Ma per evitare che il post sia troppo lungo, ne espongo le mie riflessioni su uno di prossima pubblicazione.

Tanto si sa già come la penso :D.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Giotto Monopod Head Quick Release Plate

I met Pino Ciccarelli - show homes

Ho incontrato Pino Ciccarelli few weeks ago and we exchanged with the affection of two people who were known for some time - can get the music to create, to be an area of \u200b\u200btown that intimacy? - Many considerations on immediate lyricism of "Procession of Ammore ", the first album by Pino that he himself has published Polosud Records under the name of the orchestra "Music Concert
Hope" the band (a) that accompanies it and which, by design, including the name by which he was known to staff band headed by the father of Pino in the seventies, to Piscinola-Marianella, Napoli.

could get out
an interview, but instead was an impressionist exchange between myself and a man direct, affectionate and generous as the tracks that he edited for this anthology of themes rearranged and sometimes made from scratch in spirit and in compliance " bona Educacion "
imparted by early life experiences with her father and the musical repertoire with which the band marked the liturgies of the religious and secular communities.

Pino told me himself, pulling out of the drawer of photographs emotional scratches, bruises and fatigue of life that to an artist, in my opinion, belong to different pain and regret, when the life will require the talent to moderate hypertrophy of the ego in or call the Friends star musicians that you have fun, keep your work and everyday life.

Pino is part of the human race that has learned to balance itself sull'ordito art easy to sudden tears and smiles of the traps in which he draws, returning in the pride of a song performed by bass drums, woodwinds and trombones and cymbals.
Between sighs, broad smiles and applause of the crowd, the same crowd that Lee Masters in his Spoon River wanted to accept the generous violin Musician Jones, the only soul without grudges or regrets of the famous American cemetery.

So tomorrow night we can hear Pino Ciccarelli and his band at the FNAC, at 18:00 where the musician will be a show case by Michelangelo Iossa.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Russian Spotting Scope

05/11/2009 12/11/2009 FNAC, the everyday life stress Done - BUT THE SUPER RICH ARE INCREASING

of Elizabeth Reguitti

Companies that close, unemployed workers, lower consumption, but in Italy, increasing the super-rich have invested more than € 500 000, excluding real estate. More than two-thirds of the total wealth of Scrooge is concentrated in five Italian regions: Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Piedmont and Lazio are the 70.4 percent of the overall "mobile". Among the southern regions, at the top, are part of Campania and Sicily, with 37.9 and 24.9 billion euro. These data provided by research conducted by Prometeia and the Italian private banking. Lombardy with 248.4 billion euro of wealth guide by far the standings. One thing above all: just in the province of Milan is an asset to almost double that of the whole of Emilia-Romagna, the region ranks second. Between the southern provinces, Naples is the first (42 th in the nation). The map shows large concentrations of wealth also at the provincial level. In addition to Milan, where the super rich families increased by 11, 5 percent, we also find Rome, Turin, Bologna and Brescia to place top 5.

Hughes Satellite Sd Hbh

05/11/2009, The Fact everyday life stress - THE CRISIS THAT KILLS THE ARTISANS

of Erminia's Frattina Padova

"Three years ago, when many businesses moved production abroad, especially in our industry, textiles and clothing, I chose to pack the items in Italy, from fabric to finished product. I went through a difficult period, earning much less than those who had relocated. But I continued to focus on the quality of the Made in Italy. Today the company is doing well, no sign of crisis. Indeed, we continuing to hire and invest in ultra-modern equipment. " Giancarlo Cracco, owner of Energy packs of Montebello, in the province of Vicenza, his personal battle to the current crisis has already won, and tries to explain the secret. "Invest at least 15 000 euro per year for new equipment, usually Japanese, you need to make perfect hems, cuffs, buttonholes. Change hundreds of needles a day, because the seams have to be almost done by hand. I just spent € 30 000 for new software that teaches us to rationalize costs. And we constantly update with courses, travel and via the Web. " The Energy packs, 33 employees to 5 million in revenue, is an artisan the passion of its owner ("I am looking first of all to convey to employees falling in love for the job") and from the research of high fashion brand - makes for Dolce and Gabbana, Prada, Dsquared, Martin Margiela, Blumarine quality "all-Italian." But this is a happy exception. The remainder of the craft in Veneto is in a crisis like no other region. "Unlike what happened in Italy (+0.11 percent) - said Claudio Miotto, President of the Veneto Confartigianato - for the first time in more than 15 years the three middle months of 2009 showed a negative balance between the inscriptions and closures of small businesses. " In just three months from July to September have shut down 149 small businesses in the Veneto (-10 percent), but since the beginning of 2655, hours bringing the "envelope" in the Venetian 144,408 firms, only better Emilia Romagna (-180 companies) and Calabria (-159). The fund has been penalized more mechanics, who has lost 102 businesses in three months. He has held the building (+0.04 percent) but not the construction sector (-0.35 per cent), while growing the company installation (+0.15 percent), but also services to enterprises (+1.64 percent), and Communications Systems (+0.98 percent), the innovative services (+0.56%) and the person (+0.40%). "The 'stillbirth' business is given a bit 'rough - Miotto continues - but critical to measure the vitality of the craft. This steady decline since the beginning of 2009 explained only by considering that in Veneto there are tens of thousands of firms in high oxygen debt. " According to Confartigianato must act on three fronts: liquidity, Made in Italy and reduction of taxes on labor, fuel to jump-start domestic demand. "We are discussing with the Verona Chamber of Commerce - says Cracknell, the entrepreneur of Montebello - to obtain a certificate of authenticity of how we operate entirely made in Italy. It would be the first of its kind in Italy. " The controversy on this side is well known: many companies, especially the footwear and textile-clothing, produce much of their product abroad, saving on costs and manpower. Then leaders have included semi-finished and finished in Italy we apply small to justify the label: Made in Italy. "Many companies would like to just 'pass' from us, let us make minimum requirement, to justify the declaration of" Made in Italy. Instead, we accept only the brands that we deliver the fabric and want to head back over, even ironed and packed, ready for the shops. " So in Veneto, where until last year, the craft also absorbed the labor that larger companies left home, the job market has stalled. In the first six months of 2009, the region had 11 000 fewer jobs, as shown by the economy of Veneto Confartigianato. "We are emergency - says Miotto - it requires quick responses and structural, because there are whole areas where the number of businesses and jobs are collapsing." The decline in employment is concentrated in manufacturing activities, particularly those that have been the strengths of the craft locale, dal manifatturiero (-5,2 per cento la variazione dei dipendenti al primo semestre 2009), alle costruzioni (-5,1 per cento) al legno (-5,1 per cento), dal tessile-abbigliamento e calzaturiero (-6,1 per cento) al settore del vetro e ceramica (-6,3 per cento), alla meccanica (-6,9 per cento) all’edilizia (-8 per cento). Cresce solo il comparto alimentare (+5,3 per cento). A perdere lavoro sono soprattutto gli apprendisti: dall’inizio dell’anno ne sono rimasti a casa quasi la metà (-41,5 per cento) di quelli sotto i 18 anni, -8 per cento gli ultra-diciottenni. La contrazione riguarda anche gli operai (-4,2 per cento), especially women (-8.4 percent) and foreign (-7.5 percent). "We can not wait until the crisis passes - says Miotto - because then our industry will be greatly impoverished, with a real risk of marginalization. required soon structural assistance in training, credit, infrastructure improvements, costs of bureaucracy and taxes. " O Venetian craft in a couple of years will be pulverized, at best absorbed by the medium-large companies.

Before And After Avodart

05.11.2009, the everyday life stress Done - INDUSTRY IS LOSING THE PIECES TO RECOVERY will not be enough

one in three will close 2009 with a loss and lay off in Veneto begin to disappear as products of excellence

of Stephen Felt

After the upward revision of estimates of the European Commission (the Italian GDP in 2007 will fall by only 4.7 per cent), yesterday I got the data on unemployment benefits: a reduction of almost 10 percent between September and October. Sign that things have stopped getting worse. But a report from the Bank of Italy shows that the biggest problem is that when the recovery comes, the Italian production system could be vented so as not to be able to take advantage. Three out of ten firms surveyed by the 3874 Bank of Italy expects to close 2009 with investment plans scaled down compared to last January, and especially those who expect to reduce investment in 2010 are 6 percent more than those who hope to increase them. Translated: in the first positive year after the great recession, when the Italian economy will grow by the European Commission of 0.7 percent, the companies that seek to attack the recovery will be less than che continueranno a risentire della crisi. “Con la recessione è fisiologico che si verifichi una scrematura delle imprese, ma il rischio è che sia indiscriminata, punendo le nostre imprese più dinamiche che hanno tentato l’espansione internazionale e ora si trovano più esposte”, spiega lo storico dell’Economia Giuseppe Berta che ha appena pubblicato la nuova edizione del suo “L’Italia delle fabbriche” (Il Mulino). La tesi è sostenuta dallo studio di due economisti, Antoine Berthou e Charlotte Emlinger, pubblicato sul sito   : la domanda dei prodotti da esportazione di alta qualità - come quelli che produce l’Italia - soffre di più il calo del Pil. Nonostante la diffusa convinzione che per il lusso non ci sia mai crisi. Il sondaggio della Banca d’Italia dimostra che le imprese italiane che lavorano con l’estero sono in uno stato confusionale: un terzo pensa che nei prossimi sei mesi le cose andranno meglio, un terzo che resteranno stabili e un terzo che peggioreranno . Considerando il proprio mercato di riferimento (per alcune l’Italia, per altre quello globale), il 40 per cento delle imprese che nei sei recent months has suffered from the recession is expected as long a period of suffering. "The duration of the crisis for Italy is a crucial variable - says Professor Berta - because it tests the internal resources of our companies, from capitalization. And small and medium-sized companies have little capital and continue to have problems obtaining credit from banks because, as demonstrated by the survey, those who say they find it difficult when they go to apply for funding are a third. And as much as 28.2 per cent rejected claims to have seen the demand for credit. A combination of low internal demand of difficulties at international level and close in bank loans makes pessimistic firms: one in three expects to close loss in 2009, 36 percent to reduce employment in the year. A year ago, in the same poll, which included those statements in red were only 17 percent. For those who want to be optimistic, there is always a Fiat. In Europe, continues to gain market shares (and should get the renewal of incentives), now that the sale of Opel jumped the Russians might come back to Magna assault the German production company to complete its international expansion. Yesterday afternoon, the CEO of the group, Sergio Marchionne, has proposed recovery plans for Chrysler (incorporated by Fiat in January with a joint venture) will focus on the 500 produced in Mexico - to offer, in the first version Abarth - but especially on Jeep Cherokee and, because cars with high consumption of sweetened green technologies from Fiat, now I'm back popular with oil at $ 80 a barrel. "Fiat has for years been a redwood in a forest of dwarf trees, but now his role in the Italian economy has changed. If the attempt to able Marchionne, the Fiat Lingotto become a truly global enterprise, " says Berta, who has been studying the history of the house in Turin. In other words: the new dynamism of the Fiat is no longer enough to tow the Italian production system. According to Berta "industrial Italy in 1970 was an irregular hourglass: a base of small and micro enterprises, a summit of public and private companies in the midst of a significant size and midsize businesses. Then he expanded the lower half of the body of the hourglass and has failed the summit. " The problem is that the crisis starts to hog the engine even medium-sized companies that had replaced the summit. And the recovery, that Italy will still be at most an increase of slightly above zero, it might be too late.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Examples Of Car Sales Letter

01/11/2009, The Daily Done - The big brothers that threaten the network

New rules would limit the free access to the Web
Andrea Cairola
One day, your ISP may not be able to see your favorite blog, or to use Internet telephony software like Skype . Or imagine that you notify that they can no longer access the web, how to stay without a license after a series of violations of the Highway Code.

is what could happen soon if the telecoms package will be approved by the EU so as recently amended under pressure from the powerful lobby of telephone companies. The package is a set of regulations on the European telecommunications and Internet access via ADSL and mobile network, according to activists who will be the Caporetto of freedom of the Net, at least as we know it.

The principles at stake are two interrelated and: net neutrality and the right diaccesso Internet. The "Net Neutrality" is the neutrality of the infrastructure with respect to material passing through. It means the same Internet access for all users: Providers and other network operators may not discriminate on the contents or interfere with the navigation of the Internet, as well as the phone there is no filter on what can be said.

Today in Italy a surfer can enter with equal facility to the site of the great mainstream media, as well as the pages of little-known blogger. In the future, a supplier may not neutral, however, for commercial reasons (or other conveniences, such policies), speed up access to sites "friends" and slow down access to those not desirable. And in the era of Internet and broadband multimedia, slow down and filter is equivalent to dim. If there is net neutrality, a two-tier Internet would be like a highway where the machines of a manufacturer who has paid to the 130 traveling in the fast lane while all others should remain in the first lane to 50 per hour.

Another principle at stake is access to the Internet, to be considered a fundamental right and the right to information in general. Measures (such as the law Hadopi in France) who are denied access to those who have committed violations, would be like saying to those who have illegally copied a copyrighted book that can no longer use his hands for six months. Decisions even more questionable if they are imposed without the intervention of a judge. Back in Brussels

development of "Telecoms, ormai alle battute finali dopo oltre due anni di accese discussioni. La prima bozza è stata preparata dalla Commissione europea e, secondo gli attivisti pro libertà della Rete, risentiva chiaramente della pressione delle lobby delle compagnie telefoniche e non faceva riferimento ai principi fondamentali della neutralità della rete e dell’accesso a Internet. A questo punto, nel tortuoso meccanismo delle decisioni Ue, è intervenuto il Parlamento europeo che la scorsa primavera ha votato a stragrande maggioranza (88 per cento) per l’inclusione di una modifica al testo che riconoscerebbe le libertà fondamentali anche su Internet.

Ma il Parlamento europeo conta poco: ai rappresentanti del Parlamento tocca poi difendere the amendment by the Council (ie the EU governments). And last week the text which protected the freedoms of internet users has jumped during the negotiations. Paul's blog in Brini complaint: "the establishment of a justice" parallel independent judiciary "that affect citizens' on the basis of mere suspicion." Brinkley said that next Thursday is scheduled the meeting of parliamentary delegations with representatives of the Council: if there is agreement on the text without the basic rights the omelet will be done.

Reporters Without Borders calls "incomprehensible" the behavior of institutions Europe. In the U.S. the issue of net neutrality was exploded in 2006 when they tried to get Internet providers to treat those who offer cable TV. Thousands of citizen-surfers of the movement "Save the Internet" protested in Washington before Congress. After years of battles between the lobby of the Internet providers and content providers and representatives of citizens, the principle of net neutrality is now a draft law expected to be approved shortly.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Elmo13 Inch Tv/dvd Combo

Real Estate, directions to your home

"Noi siamo dell'avviso" - dichiara l'editore House Company - che sia necessario lanciare a voi protagonisti e al consumatore moderno una nuova parola d'ordine "Industria dell'Abitare" che integra e sintetizza le trasformazioni profonde che hanno reso indissolubili l'Industria immobiliare e l'Industria dell'arredamento.

La nuova parola d'ordine, Industria dell'abitare, per fare business e adeguarsi ai livelli di efficienza e trasparenza richiesti dal mercato è lanciata da House Company Edizioni che si propone così sia agli operatori del settore che al consumatore finale con ImmobiliaRe, la prima guida alla tua casa.
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