Saturday, November 28, 2009

How Long Does It Take Metronidazoleto Work

28/11/2009, The Daily Done - EUTELIA: OVER TO READ

"PAY SALARIES BY December 5"
Eutelia Now that the scandal became public domain, the policy has started to efforts to save what remains of the company. Summary of the last 48 hours: Thursday night there was a first meeting between the Secretary to the Prime Minister Gianni Letta, the unions and the heads of Omega, the company that acquired workers from Eutelia and which, for months, does not pay salaries. Bed was in the office of Sebastian Liori and Claudio Marcellus Mass (both are behind a dozen failures in society who administered), Omega executives who did not agree on how to deal with the government: if Liori as telling the workers present at the meeting, admitted that hardly salaries will be paid, and has appeared defeated in front of the size that the matter has taken, Massa has denied any difficulty and, indeed, brought the next business plan. Meanwhile in the Piazza Colonna, in front of Palazzo Chigi, hundreds of workers Eutelia, Omega and all companies linked to them have been waiting for the outcome of the meeting partecipando a un collegamento con la trasmissione di Raidue “Annozero”. C’è anche un piccolo mistero: durante la puntata, circolava la voce che Sebastiano Liori avrebbe chiamato Annozero per dire che gli stipendi non li pagheranno mai. La telefonata però non c’è stata: “Nessun esponente di alcuna delle società a noi riconducibili ha chiamato la trasmissione in questione”, ha precisato il responsabile del gruppo Omega. Una delle ipotesi è che sia stata   una strategia negoziale degli stessi sindacalisti, che ne avrebbero parlato per mettere sotto pressione Letta e strappare la promessa di una soluzione a breve termine. Che c’è stata: entro il 5 dicembre i vertici di Omega dovranno pagare ai lavoratori tutto quello che spetta loro e interrompere la procedura di mobilità; il prossimo appuntamento col governo, per fare il punto, sarà il 7 dicembre. Letta si è poi attivato con il Tribunale di Roma, sezione fallimentare, “per sollecitare l’esame delle istanze presentate dai lavoratori”. Così si è chiuso il primo round sulla vertenza. La piazza – c’erano centinaia di persone – non era però soddisfatta e la tensione è salita, al punto che i sindacalisti hanno convinto Letta a concedere loro un secondo incontro, avvenuto   one o'clock at night. Two points agreed and approved unanimously yesterday morning, in the Council of Ministers as well as securing jobs, Letta is committed to personally ferried the Omega to the special administration.

If that were the property would be raised by the management of more than 10 000 people working in the group and you leave the field open to the judiciary to check for criminal offenses. Moreover, for workers, this is "the only hope for saving the remaining jobs and not lose our customers ". Because, as mentioned last night the minister Economy Giulio Three-mounts, this is not the story of a company victim of the recession, is the scandal of a company that deals with an area not affected by the crisis and that "they are deliberately destroying," as denouncing the unions.

Also in "Annozero", a report by Corrado Formigli showed the headquarters of the British company that now controls Omega. The location of the "Restform" in the City, where basement is a company born screen, and made a dummy for those who want to hide their assets or their shares (of Italian companies). There he established the company which heads the Libeccio of Claudius Marcellus Mass, which is the holding company controlling the group Omega. An executive of "Restform", interviewed by Formigli, said that among the many Italian customers Tiscali is also present, which, however, requested by the fact, denies ever having had anything to do with them.

(Bea. Bor.)


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