Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hughes Satellite Sd Hbh

05/11/2009, The Fact everyday life stress - THE CRISIS THAT KILLS THE ARTISANS

of Erminia's Frattina Padova

"Three years ago, when many businesses moved production abroad, especially in our industry, textiles and clothing, I chose to pack the items in Italy, from fabric to finished product. I went through a difficult period, earning much less than those who had relocated. But I continued to focus on the quality of the Made in Italy. Today the company is doing well, no sign of crisis. Indeed, we continuing to hire and invest in ultra-modern equipment. " Giancarlo Cracco, owner of Energy packs of Montebello, in the province of Vicenza, his personal battle to the current crisis has already won, and tries to explain the secret. "Invest at least 15 000 euro per year for new equipment, usually Japanese, you need to make perfect hems, cuffs, buttonholes. Change hundreds of needles a day, because the seams have to be almost done by hand. I just spent € 30 000 for new software that teaches us to rationalize costs. And we constantly update with courses, travel and via the Web. " The Energy packs, 33 employees to 5 million in revenue, is an artisan the passion of its owner ("I am looking first of all to convey to employees falling in love for the job") and from the research of high fashion brand - makes for Dolce and Gabbana, Prada, Dsquared, Martin Margiela, Blumarine quality "all-Italian." But this is a happy exception. The remainder of the craft in Veneto is in a crisis like no other region. "Unlike what happened in Italy (+0.11 percent) - said Claudio Miotto, President of the Veneto Confartigianato - for the first time in more than 15 years the three middle months of 2009 showed a negative balance between the inscriptions and closures of small businesses. " In just three months from July to September have shut down 149 small businesses in the Veneto (-10 percent), but since the beginning of 2655, hours bringing the "envelope" in the Venetian 144,408 firms, only better Emilia Romagna (-180 companies) and Calabria (-159). The fund has been penalized more mechanics, who has lost 102 businesses in three months. He has held the building (+0.04 percent) but not the construction sector (-0.35 per cent), while growing the company installation (+0.15 percent), but also services to enterprises (+1.64 percent), and Communications Systems (+0.98 percent), the innovative services (+0.56%) and the person (+0.40%). "The 'stillbirth' business is given a bit 'rough - Miotto continues - but critical to measure the vitality of the craft. This steady decline since the beginning of 2009 explained only by considering that in Veneto there are tens of thousands of firms in high oxygen debt. " According to Confartigianato must act on three fronts: liquidity, Made in Italy and reduction of taxes on labor, fuel to jump-start domestic demand. "We are discussing with the Verona Chamber of Commerce - says Cracknell, the entrepreneur of Montebello - to obtain a certificate of authenticity of how we operate entirely made in Italy. It would be the first of its kind in Italy. " The controversy on this side is well known: many companies, especially the footwear and textile-clothing, produce much of their product abroad, saving on costs and manpower. Then leaders have included semi-finished and finished in Italy we apply small to justify the label: Made in Italy. "Many companies would like to just 'pass' from us, let us make minimum requirement, to justify the declaration of" Made in Italy. Instead, we accept only the brands that we deliver the fabric and want to head back over, even ironed and packed, ready for the shops. " So in Veneto, where until last year, the craft also absorbed the labor that larger companies left home, the job market has stalled. In the first six months of 2009, the region had 11 000 fewer jobs, as shown by the economy of Veneto Confartigianato. "We are emergency - says Miotto - it requires quick responses and structural, because there are whole areas where the number of businesses and jobs are collapsing." The decline in employment is concentrated in manufacturing activities, particularly those that have been the strengths of the craft locale, dal manifatturiero (-5,2 per cento la variazione dei dipendenti al primo semestre 2009), alle costruzioni (-5,1 per cento) al legno (-5,1 per cento), dal tessile-abbigliamento e calzaturiero (-6,1 per cento) al settore del vetro e ceramica (-6,3 per cento), alla meccanica (-6,9 per cento) all’edilizia (-8 per cento). Cresce solo il comparto alimentare (+5,3 per cento). A perdere lavoro sono soprattutto gli apprendisti: dall’inizio dell’anno ne sono rimasti a casa quasi la metà (-41,5 per cento) di quelli sotto i 18 anni, -8 per cento gli ultra-diciottenni. La contrazione riguarda anche gli operai (-4,2 per cento), especially women (-8.4 percent) and foreign (-7.5 percent). "We can not wait until the crisis passes - says Miotto - because then our industry will be greatly impoverished, with a real risk of marginalization. required soon structural assistance in training, credit, infrastructure improvements, costs of bureaucracy and taxes. " O Venetian craft in a couple of years will be pulverized, at best absorbed by the medium-large companies.


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