Saturday, November 14, 2009

Im In Love With My Friend Quotes

Mono or stereo? Part 1 - considerations on the remastered Beatles

of Mauro Boccuni

Alla fine rimane solo il piacere eterno di risentire in ogni tipo di foggia il repertorio musicale che i Beatles hanno eseguito in soli otto anni di sfolgorante carriera musicale.

Ho voluto in tal modo "siglare" questo mio commento al " dibattito mono vs stereo " perché in realtà l'argomentare è finemente accademico.

Cioè risponde, ad esempio, a quesiti di ordine tecnologico che riguardano il suono registrato e la sua riproduzione su supporto , the dynamic response d master el mono / stereo master analog obtained from the first and converted to digital in 1987 (the first English edition of the catalog on CD) than the present.

But the argument is also responding to their fetishistic curiosity Fan (ATIC) of each geographic latitude details about guitars, count on, or other unnecessary production scattarate inaudible or previously unheard of.

And again, the sound of rock is better if it reveals " energy brutal" and / or if the offer technology captures stereo (or more recently the 5.1 format or 7.1) the possibility of expanding its borders and confront different perceptions of the performance of musical legends of the 20th century?

Technology and its use are a key component the circular process
(multidimensional say), and essentially unpredictable in the development of human creativity.

Taking a simple example, simple
  1. you have an acoustic guitar,
  2. hear music and you play it for fun,
  3. find out what you enjoy doing compositions in line with the kind
  4. see an evolution from a friend of your instrument (guitar synth) and expand the potential,
  5. even come to think of changes to the instrument based on your experience of creative (and this depends on what you're creative:) )).
to be then more in line with my thinking I should start stick to 'Rock identity associated since its first stirrings in the binding relationship between media (record media, mass media and social languages), music and stardom.

This is the proper perspective because the perception of social value of this musical genre was born and is fed, in contrast to what had happened to the idols of generations of years late 40's to mid 50's, from a different chain of communication.

The role of radio and radio DJ, the emergence of microgroove the 45 pieces with an average of no more than 2 ': 30 "require a format , fast aggressive and defiant in the Sound. based on consumer loyalty to the rapid and significant group.

In practice vinyl 45 rpm becomes the new statue of liberty liturgy officiated by Rock and his priests .

So looking at things from the perspective of a rock band of the sixties, a type of musicians who took for granted the dependence of their identity by half / disc media, the production studio would soon represents the field on which was played all its artistic reputation.

So after all this dissertation, MONO or STEREO ?

La questione è necessariamente storica da un lato per mettere al bando inutili revisionismi, poi assume caratteri di natura estetico/percettivi e poi approda a noi con i remastered dopo cinquanta anni con venature esegetiche .

Ma per evitare che il post sia troppo lungo, ne espongo le mie riflessioni su uno di prossima pubblicazione.

Tanto si sa già come la penso :D.


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