Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where Can I Buy Polymer

4% VAT on home improvements before the first delivery

VAT and home improvements first

Who buys the first house by the manufacturer pays the 4 percent of VAT. But how much it pays on extra work contract, invoiced separately compared to the property?
With the resolution of 22.02.2010 the Inland Revenue deals with the VAT rates applicable to so-called improvements or works extracapitolato, required by future property owners.
The resolution is a response to a summons, in which he was asked what was the correct rate applicable to the construction of a third party commissioned by a cooperative housing to shared ownership, while the improvement work had been commissioned by a member who satisfies the requirements "first home".
Administration keeping the same line as expressed in the past (Circular No. 219 / E of 30 November 2000), supported the possibility of being able to apply the reduced rate of 4 percent. Although made in respect of a person other than the prime contractor, however, the improvements are part of the process of constructing the building and they concern the inclusion of particular materials or design features intended to enable greater functionality of the accommodation.

In the resolution, the Agency focuses on two very important aspects that bene non trascurare quando si parla di operare fuori capitolato.

Il primo riguarda l'ambito di applicazione delle opere, che per beneficiare dell'aliquota del 4% devono essere realizzate esclusivamente durante la fase di costruzione di un immobile ancora non completamente terminato. Vale a dire che le stesse opere, se realizzate nel corso di una ristrutturazione edilizia, sconteranno l'aliquota ridotta del 10 per cento e mai del 4 per cento, a nulla influendo la circostanza che il committente sia un soggetto in possesso dei requisiti "prima casa".

Il secondo aspetto si riferisce alla natura the interventions required, which, even after their execution, they need to keep non-luxury housing characteristics, as determined by the parameters dictated by the decree of the Ministry of Public Works of August 2, 1969.
Otherwise, the work of improvement, will be the standard rate will nevertheless be extended to the sale of which, thus, would rise from 40 to 20 percent. This also applies to any advances already paid, for which it would require a new single VAT invoice to supplement what has already been paid.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore


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