Friday, February 25, 2011

Maytag Performa Pavt234aww Spec

Italy Real Estate Market: - 4.5 for 2010

Il 2010 si chiude in negativo per il mercato immobiliare.

L'andamento medio dei prezzi registrato da FIAIP (Italian Federation of Professional Agents Immoboliari) dropped 4.5% for dwellings

while the forecast for the first half of 2011, show, in FIAP, an improvement for the buying and selling of residential , especially for the central areas of the city, and an increase in rents to + 10%.
In remote areas, however, the market may remain steady, as well as the time of sale. According to the Association for determining the recovery of the market are the price expectations of sellers, yet at the levels of 2006-2007.
is evident from the report una diminuzione generale dei prezzi in tutte le città, eccezion fatta per Venezia (+ 2,2%) e Siena (+ 0,2%). Prezzi più bassi a Palermo  con una punta massima del -11%, Napoli segna un - 1,5%, Bergamo - 7%, Bologna - 3%, - 3,64% Genova, - 4% Roma, - 5% Firenze, - 6,2% di Ssalerno e - 6,2% di Milano.

Fonte : FIAIP


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