Friday, February 25, 2011

Nuclear Structure Wigner Djvu

Mortgages: How

Many requests to banks

In times of crisis, like the current one, who can not afford to purchase a new property, often opt to restructure what he has.
When it comes to loan you immediately think of buying the house, but not always the case. online portal that lets you choose the loan to those offered by the Educational Institutions under various credit, has announced details of an analysis that took into consideration the required funding by the Italians not to buy, but to restructure their homes.
The site has reviewed more than 60,000 loan applications in the restructuring, and discover things rather curious.
First of all, the person who signs a loan for the restructuring generally cautious: in 44% of the cases he prefers fixed rate, while only 35% of the sample choose variable rate.
Who needs this type of financing is also young enough (he has an average of 42 years), an undertaking to the creditor institution for more than 20 years (22.5 on average) and asks for a loan of 142,000 €, equal to slightly less than half the value of the property that it intends to restructure (49.6%).
But how do I apply for a loan for the renovation?
First we must say the loan for the renovation, you can use the funds obtained to restructure both the interior and the exterior of a house.

Then to start the work must be delivered to the City, in which the property is located, the Declaration of Top Jobs (DIA), signed by an authorized and gather cost estimates on all interventions restructuring that intend to pursue.
The loan for the renovation of up to 80% of property value and the great advantage of this type of mortgage is that the value of the property taken as a reference is not present, but that that the house will reach a conclusion of the renovation work.

To request a loan for restructuring the bank, you must attach the usual documents required for loans for home purchase, including:
- for routine maintenance: estimate of the firm or the licensed professional who will carry out the renovation works;
- for unplanned maintenance: estimate, project construction and DIA (Declaration login);
- for renovation with large construction works: quote spending, building permit and, if due, the contribution of construction.



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